1.6K 116 67

Earth 498

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Namjoon was working on a computer when something came upon him from behind he squealed loudly. He looked back, "Yah, Jungkook. Don't do that. I could have messed this machine. And it's almost complete."

Jungkook laughed loudly, "Your face was so funny."

Namjoon rolled his eyes and huffed. Jungkook hugged him and smiled, "Did you say your machine was completed? So fast?"

Namjoon smirked, "You know I was a prodigy, right?"

Jungkook perked his eyebrows, "Mhmm?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes and took off his gloves, "Fine, I was working on it for the last two years. It was almost completed and that's why I quit the job. Not that I needed that money anyway. I can pay the entire government with the money I have."

Jungkook snickered, "I brought you these snacks and the take out. These are medicines if you get sick due to deficiency of sunlight."

Namjoon sighed, "I get ample sunlight."

Jungkook looked at him in a questioning gaze, "How?"

Namjoon smirked, "Koya, open the ceiling."


Jungkook grunted and put the bag he was holding down, "That doesn't count, uncle Joonie. You need to get out and get real air."

Namjoon waved at him and started munching on chips, "It's fine."

Jungkook scrunched his nose, "Tell me at least you bath."

Namjoon smiled with his mouth full, "Of course, I do. Once in a week."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sat on the ground. Namjoon came near him and sat beside him, "Koya, reveal the machine."


There was a sound of something opening, a few stairs came up and then a square box came upon it. Namjoon wore his gloves and started touching the screen. Jungkook looked really impressed, "Whoa. How are you not touching anything and the machine is still working?"

Namjoon smirked, "It's because of the gloves. Whatever action I do, those robotic hands do the same thing."

Jungkook's mouth turned to 'o'.

Namjoon did some things and the lead opened. There was a glowing blue circle, which ended getting purple in the middle, in it. Jungkook's eyes went wide.

Namjoon took off his gloves and looked at Jungkook, "I found alternate earth. The dimensions are fixed to that earth. You go in there and then, puff. You reach the other earth."

Jungkook clapped in excitement, "Daebak! This is amazing. But how do we come back?"

Namjoon was about to say something when Jungkook's phone rang. Jungkook picked up the call, "Hey, mom." And immediately he pulled it away from his ears. Namjoon could hear his sister screaming at Jungkook. Jungkook looked at Namjoon, "I'm sorry, I need to run. I'll meet you later."

Namjoon chuckled and nodded.


"Koya, give me a status update on the working."

The motors are working excellently. Ability to convert materials into micro atoms and restore them completed and checked.

"Good." Namjoon rolled over the chair to another table and started working on his computer. There was an incoming call but Namjoon ignored it. The phone rang again. Namjoon grunted, "Ugh. Who is calling?"

Your mother.

"Pick the call up." Namjoon looked up from the computer to listen to his mother.

Yah, Kim Namjoon. It's been two months and you haven't even left the apartment. Get out and get some sunlight.

Namjoon chuckled, "I get the sunlight eomma."

The sunlight from the ceiling doesn't count. Go outside.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, still typing on the computer, "I went out for groceries eomma."

I know you didn't. I asked Jungkook and he said that you always ask him to get you stuff.

"Aish, that brat!" He said under his breath. Namjoon sighed, "Fine, I'll go out, happy?"

No. Koya, if Namjoon doesn't go out in half an hour, call me.

Sure Mrs Kim.

Namjoon slumped his shoulder in disbelief and stopped typing, "I am your creator. How could you side my mother?"

Creator's mother is my mother too.

Namjoon huffed, "Can't believe you guys are ganging up on me."

I can't do that, sir. I don't have that function.

Namjoon put his head in his hands, "I know! Fine, I'll go out for grocery shopping and then eat some ice cream and then come back home. Happy?"

Very happy. I'll call you back sometimes in the evening, okay? Take care son. Bye Koya.

Bye, Mrs Kim.

The line was cut and Namjoon sighed and got up. "Koya, start the geyser. I'll bath before going out."


Namjoon sighed as he stood in a long line to cash his purchase. He grunted, "This is exactly why I hate shopping." The cart was mostly filled with alcohol, instant noodles, chips and some soft drinks. He checked his phone and found a text from Koya.

Your nephew is here.

Namjoon sighed and typed a reply, "Tell him to wait. I'll be there and tell him I am bringing banana drinks for him."

He put the phone in his pocket as his turn came.

After almost half an hour, he reached home and walked to the kitchen, "Koya, where is Jungkook?"

In the lab, Namjoon.

Namjoon shook his head, "I can't keep this kid out of the lab."

He took the banana milk and walked to the lab. As he entered the lab he shouted, "Kookie. Come out. I bought you banana milk."

There was no reply. He shouted again, "Kookie, it's not funny. Come out."

He walked around and found the portal open. He gasped, "Koya, why is the portal open?"

You left it open when you went out.

Namjoon hitched in the realisation. He looked at the screen, "Koya, show me the security footage of the lab."


Namjoon saw Jungkook coming in and walking here and there. He saw Jungkook receiving his message through Koya. Jungkook was roaming in the lab when he landed at the open portal. He inspected the portal very closely and then suddenly his leg rolled on a screwdriver and he fell in the portal.

Namjoon yelled, "No!"

I'll update on Thursday or Friday every week!!!💜

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