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I am back!!!!! 💜
(Lee Hyun really looked like that?😲🥵)

Seokjin woke up the next morning, a bit groggy. He had been crying himself to sleep for two days. He thought it would be nice if he talked to someone. The first person that came to his mind was, of course, Yoongi. He called Yoongi, "Hey, Yoongi. Are you free today?"

Actually, Hoseok had a nightmare about prince Soejun. I have been trying to soothe him, but you know it takes him two days to get out of the guilt. Is it something important?

Seokjin sighed, "No, it's nothing important. Take care of his highness."

Sure hyung. But if it's something important, you can call me, okay?

Seokjin chuckled, "I know, Yoongs. Don't worry. Just take care of Hoseok."

He cut the call and sighed. He thought of the two days he had spent. He had buried himself in work so much that the captain gave him a day off. He had screamed orders at the juniors and made them run the entire 48 hours. He really wanted the answers now. But more than that, he wanted to keep his brain busy. He sighed and looked out. Rain. The first time he had met Namjoon, it was raining hard. He can't even go out. Great!

He was contemplating on what to do when the doorbell rang and narrowed his eyes. "Wasn't expecting anyone."

As he went to the living room to attend the guest, a body came on him and he laughed, hugging the body back. He hid his face in the crook of the neck. When they broke the hug, He smiled sadly, "How do you always know when hyung is sad, Tae?"

Taehyung giggled, "Because we are connected to each other hyung!"

"Nah! Yoongi called saying you sounded sad and he had to be with Hoseok hyung."

Seokjin looked past Taehyung to find Jimin and Jungkook standing there. Seokjin laughed and shook his head.

Taehyung pouted, "You always do this to me. We were connecting. He almost believed me."

They all sat on the couch as Hyuna gave them snacks to eat. Jungkook looked around for some time and Seokjin understood what he was finding. Or rather who he was looking for. He sighed, "Namjoon and I had a fight. He went back to his world."

Jungkook shifted in his seat uncomfortably, "I- if you don't mind. Wh- why did you fight?"

Seokjin took a deep breath and narrated the events that happened and they all listened carefully. Jungkook understood where they both came from. He also understood Namjoon's anger and also understood that it was not Seokjin's fault.

He smiled meekly, "Well, uhh... I really don't like to talk about this, but when I was 4, halaboeji tried to experiment on me. My eomma warned him not to come near me. I always thought he was weird and when he went missing we were actually relieved that he won't do anything crazy."

Jimin held his hand and squeezed it gently. Seokjin raised his eyebrows at the action but didn't say anything. He cleared his throat, "What should I do now?"

Jimin hummed, "Maybe, we can all go there and explain to him that it was not your fault. And assure him that we will go to the root of it. Maybe he was framed."

Seokjin nodded, "But how would we go there?"

Jungkook gave a cocky smile, "With the help of TGJ"

Seokjin tilted his head in confusion, "TGJ?"

"The Great Jungkook." Jungkook cheered, showing his watch that Namjoon gave him. Everyone rolled their eyes and laughed. Jungkook did something in the watch and they all held their hands.


His head was thrumming hard, the light was blinding. He grunted as he opened his eyes. "Yah! What are you doing?"

A man was standing in front of him with an unconscious Namjoon on his shoulder as if trying to kidnap him. He jumped, almost dropping Namjoon due to Seokjin's voice. Seokjin found a screwdriver nearby and pointed it at the man, "Drop him now and step away from him or I'll throw this right in our eye."

The man's eyes were wide and he was so shocked that he almost missed Seokjin's order. He laid Namjoon back on the bed and stepped aside. Seokjin, still pointing the screwdriver at the man, went to Namjoon, "Joonie, baby. Please wake up. Namjoon-ah." He shook Namjoon a bit but Namjoon didn't open his eyes.

Seokjin went to the man, pointing the screwdriver at his throat, "What did you do to him? Why is he unconscious?"

The man raised his hands in surrender, "I didn't do anything. It was his idea."

"Lee Hyun uncle?"

The man looked at Jungkook, "Oh thank god, you are here, Jungkook. Save me, please."

Jungkook looked Seokjin, "Jin hyung, he is Joon uncle's senior. Lee Hyun." He looked at Hyun again, "What are you doing here?"

Hyun told them all about how Namjoon begged him to use the machine on him and then fell unconscious in the end.

Seokjin tilted his head back and sighed. He went to Namjoon and patted his head, "Hyung is here, Namjoon-ah. Wake up soon, okay? Hyung is worried."

He carried Namjoon bridal style and took him to the bedroom. After laying him on the bed, he scooted on the bed himself. Seokjin stroked Namjoon's hair lightly, "Namjoon-ah, I am sorry. I will never shout at you again. I promise. Wake up soon." He kissed his forehead and then pecked him on the lips, before snuggling against his body and closing his eyes.

Seokjin woke up with a gasp at the sound of thunder. He grunted and looked around and remembered that he was at Namjoon's home. He explored the other side of the bed with his hand only to find it empty. He woke up completely, "Namjoon? NAMJOON?"

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