1.4K 114 30

Earth 298

Seoul, Kingdom of Korea

Yoongi worriedly looked at Hoseok, "What happened?"

Jimin hesitatingly spoke, "I think she used a concealer to make those marks."

The chief court lady gasped, "What marks?"

Hoseok sighed, "This article says that they saw hickeys on prime minister Moon's neck while she was leaving and they were not there when she arrived at the palace."

"Aigo! That witch is really playing games." The lady sadly looked at Hoseok, "What are you going to do now?"

Hoseok looked at Jimin, "You are the head of public relations. What should we do?"

Jimin hummed, "Let's make a statement that there is nothing going on in between you and her. If this thing doesn't subside, then we'll find some other way."

Hoseok hummed and started walking out of the room when he was stopped by Jimin, "Wait. I have an idea."

Hoseok perked his eyebrows, "What?"

Jimin smirked, "In today's royal meeting, flirt with Yoongi."

Yoongi was shocked and looked at Jimin with wide eyes, "Why? Why does he have to flirt with me?"

Jimin smiled sweetly, "Because people love it. And if his highness flirts with you, they'll think that maybe the news was fake. Because it is fake."

Hoseok smirked at Yoongi, "I can do that."

Jimin clapped and grinned, "Great, let's go."

They went out and Hoseok smiled as he saw his horse, ready to be ridden. He went there and patted his neck, "Ready to go, Mang?" (I was thinking for a name and then it struck me, Hoseok's BT21 character IS a horse!)

Hoseok sat on the horse and looked at Yoongi, "Stay a few meters away from me."

Yoongi scrunched his nose, "But-"

"It's an order." Saying that Hoseok patted his horse and they started to move.


There was a crowd of thousands of people waving and screaming for their king. Hoseok waved to all and smiled brightly on his subjects. He looked at the sky and thought, 'I hope I am doing a good job appa. Please bless the kingdom.'

He was moving forward when a little girl stumbled in front of his horse. Hoseok hitched and pulled his horse's reins. The horse neighed in a high pitch and changed the course of its legs. Hoseok sighed in relief and patted his horse, "Good job, Mang!"

He stepped down the horse and went to the little girl, "Are you okay?"

The girl was crying very bitterly, "I am sorry. I didn't want to do this."

Hoseok hushed, "It's okay. You are safe." He was too busy stopping the girl from crying to hear people's cries. But when he realised and looked back, a man was running to him with a sharp sword.

The girl whimpered, "Appa, no."

Hoseok looked at the girl and understood that the attacker was her father. The man was too close now and Hoseok shielded the girl. He was waiting for the pain, but it never came. There was a slight cut on his shoulder, but nothing more. He looked back and he found a man with a black hoodie standing in front of them. He had tackled the man and the man had fallen on the side.

The man looked back, he was wearing a mask that hid his face. His eyes were piercingly brown and big. "Are you okay?"

Hoseok nodded. The man looked in front and the attacker was ready to attack again. The attacker ran forward and tried to hit the man. But the man locked his hands and made him leave the sword and then the man threw the attacker on the opposite side of Hoseok. He saw the royal guards coming to them and he looked at Hoseok.

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