18 [M]

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Warning: Smut ahead! (though I don't think it's a warning;) )

Warning: Smut ahead! (though I don't think it's a warning;) )

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As Namjoon reached Seokjin's house, he was baffled. The house was huge. He looked at Seokjin who was smirking. "Are you sure we didn't come to a hotel?"

Seokjin laughed, "Yes, I am sure."

They went in and their coats were taken away by the maid. Namjoon looked around the place in awe as Seokjin led him in. His trance was broken as Soekjin offered him water. Namjoon thanked him and stood in front of the wall that had many pictures. One was of Seokjin with his family. The others included him and Taehyung with their friends and them alone. There was one picture that caught his eyes. Taehyung was sitting on something that looked like a thorn and was wearing a crown. Seokjin was kissing his hair. It was a huge picture that covered up most of the space.

Seokjin came and stood beside Namjoon. He gave Namjoon the glass of water and chuckled, "It was Taehyung's 20th birthday. He wanted to be the king for one day. So I requested Hoseok and he was unofficially made the King for one day. He was so happy that day. I have always taken care of his every wish."

Namjoon looked at Seokjin who was smiling fondly, "What about you?"

Seokjin looked at Namjoon, "Huh?"

Namjoon smiled, "What about your wishes, hyung?"

Seokjin chuckled, "I don't think about them."

Namjoon knitted his eyebrows, "Why?"

Seokjin led him to the couch and smiled sadly, "When I was 20, I fell in love with a man. One night I went to his house for a night stay and when we were about to have sex, Taehyung called me. The man told me to ignore the call and think about myself. I ignored the calls and slept with him. The next day, when he thought I was asleep, he went to the washroom and left his phone on the bed. The phone was buzzing constantly so I looked at it and found some messages. I don't know who sent them but it told the man to take the money from me and go to their house at night to have some 'fun'.

"I was furious. At myself. To not see through the man. I came home to see Taehyung on the floor. Unconscious. I rushed him to hospital and the doctors said that it was a chronic case of food poisoning. If I would have been even half an hour late, he could have died. I would have lost him just because I wanted to get laid."

Seokjin was in tears at the end of the monologue. He sniffled and was about to sweep his tears when he felt a thumb on his cheek. He looked up to find Namjoon smiling at him weakly, stroking Seokjin's cheek with his thumb to wipe the tears away. "It was not your fault. You would have rushed home if you had picked Tae's call. Your ex was just a manipulative asshole. You don't have to blame yourself."

Seokjin shook his head, "Of course it was. I should have put Taehyung before me."

Namjoon chuckled, "You have your own life hyung. And I will complete your every wish. I promise."

The Imperfects [NAMJIN]Where stories live. Discover now