23 [M]

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Warning: Smut ahead!!

As they reached home, Seokjin made Namjoon wash up first and then he went to bathe. He had seen Namjoon the entire way back home and he knew that the younger felt guilty for the panic attack he had. Seokjin thought of some way to make him understand that it was okay and that he didn't mind. He sighed and came out of the bathroom wearing an oversized t-shirt that made his muscles visible and shorts that emphasised his legs.

"What the fu- What are you doing?" Seokjin was shocked to see Namjoon on his bed.

Namjoon was wearing the choker from before, nothing else and sat on his knees patiently waiting for Seokjin. Namjoon looked at the bed, "I know I ruined our date. So, I was thinking of a way to make it up to you."

Seokjin smiled and went near him, sitting beside him, he carded his fingers from Namjoon's freshly washed hair. Namjoon leaned in the touch. "You don't have to do this. I told you, you haven't ruined anything. And if you are doing this because you think you have to make up for anything, then let me make myself clear. I don't need sexual favours to be happy with you. I know I had a past of those flings and hookups, but you are special. You don't have to prove anything. Because you are... you. You are Kim Namjoon. The smartest, the cutest, the dorkiest person I have ever met."

Namjoon whines at the last statement, making Seokjin laugh. Namjoon pouts deeper as Seokjin continued to laugh, "I- I want to do it."

Seokjin stopped laughing and raised his eyebrows, "What?" he smirked at the now, red Namjoon, "You want to do what, Joonie?"

Namjoon looked up with puppy eyes, "I haven't bottomed yet. I want to do it for you."

Seokjin was shocked due to the sudden courage. He pushed Namjoon back, making him fall on the bed, "You are going to be the death of me." He sat in between Namjoon's legs, pulled the t-shirt off of him and threw it somewhere before attacking Namjoon's lips with so much passion that Namjoon squirmed under him. The lips moved in a rhythm. Seokjin opened Namjoon's mouth with his tongue and Namjoon easily complied. Seokjin slipped the tongue in and devoured Namjoon's cavern. He bit the younger lower lip, bruising it. The passion was blinding and Namjoon was leaking hard. Seokjin was brought back to reality by Namjoon whine as he brushed against Namjoon's member.

He looked deep into Namjoon eyes, finding any discomfort or fear. "Are you sure you want this?"

Namjoon nodded frantically, "I need this." His voice was so wavy and filled with lust that Seokjin groaned and attacked his neck, marking him. Namjoon tilted his head to give Seokjin more exposure to his neck. Seokjin slipped his thumb under the choker to increase the pressure around the neck, while he went downwards.

He took Namjoon's one nipple between his teeth, teasing him and scratching it. He loved the little moans that Namjoon let out. He also disliked Namjoon's attempt to suppress them. Seokjin went to his bottom lip and tugged the lip that was pressed under Namjoon's teeth, "Don't be shy. Let me hear your every reaction."

"Hyung~" Namjoon whined but didn't complain.

Seokjin slowly went further down, marking Namjoon's skin wherever he wanted. "Hyung-ah! Please." Namjoon choked out a moan as Seokjin kissed and sucked every part, purposefully leaving his hard member out.

Seokjin looked up, "Please what, Joon-ah. Tell hyung, what do you want?"

Namjoon sobbed another please and sniffled, "Don- Don't tease me."

Seokjin smirked and stood up entirely leaving Namjoon untouched. Namjoon whined loudly, making Seokjin chuckled, "Patience, baby. You need to be prepped. I'll be back."

He went to the closet and came out with lube and condom. Spreading Namjoon's legs, he sat in between them again, caressing Namjoon's inner thighs with feather-like touch. "You look so pretty. All spread out for hyung." Namjoon whined at the words but it turned to a moan when the elder sucked the thigh so hard that he knew it was gonna be purple for weeks. Namjoon was panting so much that he almost choked on his breath. Seokjin went up to him and kissed him passionately, "It's okay. Let it go, baby. Breath for me, yeah?"

Namjoon nodded and calmed down, enough for Seokjin to go down again. He poured a large amount of lube on his hands and rubbed one finger on his hole. Namjoon shivered at the coldness of the liquid. Seokjin put his hand on Namjoon's chest to hold him in his place and reassure him that it was okay. "Tell me if it hurts too much, yeah. We will stop it immediately."

Namjoon nodded with his eyes closed and tried to make his breath even. He scrunched his nose as Seokjin entered the first finger. Seokjin kissed Namjoon to distract him from the pain. Soon Namjoon's discomfort turned into tiny moans, "Hngh, Hyun-ah." Namjoon was enjoying the new feeling too much. He had never thought that a finger brushing against his prostate would feel so good.

Seokjin smiled and the fingers turned to two and then to three.

Namjoon's moans turned louder too. He started riding the fingers, "Hyung. Ple- please. I'm ready."

Seokjin hushed, "I am not as small as you think. But don't worry. I know you are close to ready."

After a few more thrusts and teasing with fingers, Seokjin took the fingers out, making Namjoon whine at the emptiness. Seokjin chuckled and tore the condom and lathered his member with lube. "This is going to hurt. But trust me. It will go away."

Namjoon nodded and Seokjin started entering him. It was hard. Namjoon let out a scream and Seokjin stopped moving instantly. Namjoon hitched and looked at Seokjin, "Don't stop." As soon as he bottomed out, Namjoon moaned loudly and Seokjin groaned. "Fucked you are so tight! Just for me."

Namjoon nodded and leaned up to connect their lips. He smiled as he broke the kiss, "Just for you. You can move."

Seokjin started moving with shallow thrusts. He stopped when Namjoon winced, "Are you okay?"

Namjoon nodded and gasped, "Don't stop, please!"

Seokjin leaned down and connected their lips. The kiss was hungry and urgent to distract Namjoon from any discomfort. Soon Namjoon's groans turned to moans and Seokjin drank his every moan and whine. Seokjin detached his lips, only to attack his neck. Nibbling and sucking on the weak points to make Namjoon more excited.

Namjoon hitched as Seokjin caught a pace and the thrusts became faster and harder. He moaned loudly and Seokjin knew he tapped the sweet point. He stood up on his knees and lifted Namjoon off the bed by his waist. He put Namjoon's legs around his waist and increased the speed. Namjoon sobbed as he attacked the prostate again and again. "I am close, hyung. Fuck-ah."

"Me too, baby." Seokjin says in a low growl. He hissed as Seokjin took his member in his hand and started jerking him off. Namjoon came screaming the elder's name followed Seokjin who had been holding back for a long time. Seokjin huffed and tried to calm down. Both of them hissed as Seokjin pulled out of Namjoon. He threw the condom and went to the bathroom and came back with a warm soaked towel and cleaned the younger. He took the choker off of Namjoon and made him comfortable after changing the sheets.

Namjoon closed his eyes and curled up on Seokjin's chest, "That was amazing. Is this how you feel when you bottom?"

Seokjin chuckled, "Well, yeah. But you'll know tomorrow how you really feel when you bottom." He said, smirking as he played with Namjoon's hair. "Joon-ah..."

Namjoon hummed in response.

"Can you stay for tomorrow. Just one day? I have a day off tomorrow. No one would disturb us. Please?"

Namjoon looked up resting his chin on Seokjin chest, "You don't have to beg for it. I'll go the day after tomorrow."

Seokjin smiled and kissed his nose, "You are the best! Rest up. You'll need the energy to move tomorrow."

Namjoon closed the eyes and tucked his face in Seokjin's neck. Just then an epiphany struck him.

This was where he belonged.

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