31 [M]

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Smut ahead

As Namjoon came out of the bathroom, he was only in his towel. He saw Seokjin lying on the bed, supporting his weight on his elbows and using his phone. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt and shorts, leaving his thigh on full display. Namjoon smirked and went near an oblivious Seokjin. He took Seokjin's leg in his hand, startling Seokjin. Seokjin looked up to find a very godly, freshly showered Namjoon kneeling in front of him in his towel. Namjoon leaned down and kissed his ankle. Seokjin quivered at the sensation, phone long forgotten.

"What are you doing Namjoon?"

Namjoon looked up and smirked, "Worshiping the god in front of me."

He leaned down again and left open mouthed kisses on his calf, slowly moving up to his thigh. Seokjin's elbows lost their balance and he fell on the bed gasping at the wet sensation of Namjoon's mouth and lips and tongue. His breath hitched as Namjoon kissed his clothed member, already half hard. Namjoon worked his way upwards, kissing the stomach, the chest and finally reached his mouth. He hovered for a while before diving in and kissing Seokjin. The kiss was soft and pure, completely opposite to his hands. His hands roamed Seokjin's body lazily, taking his time to explore Seokjin's abdomen and chest. He lightly brushed the pad of his thumb on his nipple, making his back arch beautifully.

Seokjin broke the kiss and smiled at the prince, "I am not the god. You are the prince. You are important, Prince Namjoon." He lightly caressed Namjoon's cheek with one hand, the other in his hair to bring him down for more kissing. The kiss was short as Seokjin turned them around and kneeled over Namjoon, both his knees on each side of Namjoon's hips. He took the towel in one swift moment leaving Namjoon naked. And then he held the hem of his t-shirt and took it off with equal speed.

Namjoon got up, keeping Seokjin in his place with his strong arms draped on his back. He kissed the newly exposed skin with so much light pressure as if Seokjin would break if he exerted any more pressure.

Namjoon looked up at Seokjin, "I may be the prince for the kingdom, but you are my prince. Only mine to see like this." he pushed Seokjin on the bed, making him bounce a bit and kissed him again. This time, the kiss was hungry with more teeth and tongue. He detached his lips and connected them again to the neck. He took his time to kiss and nibble at the skin, purposefully missing the sweet points he knew.

Soon the lips went down further to Seokjin nipple, the right one. He took it in his mouth, biting and sucking on it, occasionally flicking it with the tongue. It was so overstimulating for Seokjin but not enough. He whined as Namjoon was not going further. Namjoon looked up in concern, "Too much?" Seokjin nodded, sighing as he got time to breathe properly. Namjoon went further down, kissing and nibbling or biting every part of the skin that came in his way. He hooked his finger to the hem of the shorts and pulled it in one go. He almost came at the sight of Seokjin not wearing anything underneath it. He chuckled breathily, "Were you prepared, hyung?"

Seokjin smirked and shrugged in reply, not saying anything. Namjoon laughed quietly and leaned down to kiss the inner thigh. There was a gasp when Namjoon took him entirely in his mouth smiling at him. Namjoon didn't move, just moved his tongue in the mouth around Seokjin's member making him squirm and buck his hips. Seokjin fisted Namjoon's hair with one hand and hid his face with the other. Sure, Namjoon had seen him like this multiple times, but he didn't know what to do with the other hand.

The other hand soon joined the first one in Namjoon's hair as Namjoon started bobbing his head, setting a pace. His tongue occasionally explored the slit of the head, collecting the precum and lapping at it as Seokjin writhed beneath him. His moans and screams getting louder and louder. Soon, Seokjin felt the burn in his stomach, "I'll cum, Stop."

Namjoon decided to ignore him and increased the pace and hollowed his cheeks more to create the pressure. Soon after, Seokjin came shouting in Namjoon's mouth. Namjoon smiled and drank all the fluid that came out, licking the excess that fell out.

He went up and Seokjin immediately kissed him in spite of the fact that Namjoon had just gulped down his cum. Namjoon broke the kiss and smiled at Seokjin, "Lube and condom?"

Seokjin pointed at a drawer on the bedside, "Lube is there, the first drawer. And about the condom, I wan- I want you to... go without it."

Namjoon smirked and let out a slow whistle, "You have really been fantasising about it, huh?" Seokjin whined a little and hid his face in his hands. Namjoon chuckled and preyed his hands away, "Don't hide."

Namjoon got up and came back with the lube tube. He poured a generous amount on his fingers and slid one in the hole. It slid effortlessly due to the copious amount of lube. Seokjin whined as he took the finger out completely. Namjoon added two fingers making him moan and squirm. Namjoon set a slow pace, taking his time to open Seokjin. It was tantalisingly slow and he enjoyed watching Seokjin feel break down below him but it wasn't enough. Namjoon was stretching him and teasing him, purposefully missing the nerve bundle. He looked around and smirked. Namjon took the fingers out, making Seokjin whine. He went to the bedside and came back with his crown. He smiled gently, "I told you, you are my prince."

Namjoon put the crown delicately over Seokjin's head and kissed his head, "You look beautiful."

Seokjin snickered, "I will never be able to look at the crown in the same way again."

Namjoon laughed and sat between his legs again. He slowly brought his hard, leaking and angry member to Seokjin's entrance and slowly began to enter. His pace was so slow, that Seokjin began to move his hips to get Namjoon inside him. He was really on cloud nine. It felt different. They had fucked a lot but this time, Namjoon was making love to him. His eyes had tears in them and he was gripping on the bed sheet so hard that it could tear any minute.

As soon as he bottomed, Namjoon took one hand off the bedsheet and intertwined his fingers. He kissed Seokjin to distract and it worked. The kiss was so pure and full of emotions that he forgot that Namjoon was balls deep in him. Namjoon broke the kiss and looked at his hyung. Seokjin looked ethereal. Hair striking out in all directions, tears in his eyes, waiting for escape, lips parted beautifully.

Namjoon stroked his cheek with the other hand, "Gosh, you look so beautiful. Like the god that sits on the highest throne of heaven. Like Venus. Whom the virgin worships just to be graced by the presence. So beautiful, filled with passion yet so pure. But only for me to see. Only for me to defile."

Seokjin's tears finally fell from his eyes as Namjoon ended his similes. Seokjin grabbed Namjoon's head and leaned up to kiss, this time with more passion and lust and hunger. Namjoon, not being able to hold any longer, started thrusting in Seokjin. The thrust was slow, but they were deep and strong. Seokjin screamed as he felt the cock hit his prostate and more tears fell on his cheeks.

Namjoon's thrust more strongly, unable to control. His pace was fast and deep. Seokjin squeezed his hand hard around Namjoon's intertwined fingers and screamed more.

"Fuc- C-close." Seokjin was so into the feeling that it was hard to formulate proper words. He screamed and came on his chest untouched, eyes closed and lips open. Namjoon followed him shortly and he sighed as he felt Seokjin filled to the brim. He smiled dreamily, eyes still closed.

Namjoon took his phone from the coat pocket and smiled at Seokjin, "If you allow."

Seokjin opened his eyes and saw Namjoon with his phone. He nodded and closed his eyes again. Namjoon snapped a few pictures, especially with his cum dripping out of Seokjin's hole. He put the phone back and went to the bathroom to prepare a bath.

In the bathtub, they sat together basking the presence of each other. Seokjin sat in Namjoon's lap, back pressed to his chest as Namjoon hugged him lightly and caressed any skin he could find.

Namjoon kissed Seokjin's neck, "I love you, hyung."

Seokjin looked at Namjoon and smiled, "I love you too, Joonie."

The Imperfects [NAMJIN]Where stories live. Discover now