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The hotel staff had delivered the soup and the first aid kit to Seokjin and left them alone. Namjoon took a bath and came out with fresh clothes on. Seokjin was waiting for him at the dinner table. Namjoon quietly sat on the table and started drinking the soup. After the soup was finished, Seokjin made him sit on the counter and looked at all the places Namjoon had injured. "Did you get into a fight?" Namjoon nodded. "Why?"

Namjoon winced as Seokjin applied the disinfectant on the wounds. "They were bullying a boy. I helped him."

Seokjin hummed, "Should have called me."

Namjoon looked away, "You said not to show you my face. And you wouldn't pick up my call."

Seokjin nodded, "Could have called Jackson. You guys seem like good friends."

Namjoon sighed, "He said something about spending his time with his family. Didn't want to disturb." Seokjin smiled a little. He would have never been this selfless. "Did I disturb you?"

Seokjin was shocked by the question. 'Yes, you cockblocked me.' Was what he wanted to say. But his tongue betrayed him, "No. I was chilling at my house."

Namjoon eyed him with suspension, "But you are dressed."

Seokjin slapped himself internally. Of course, he was dressed. He cleared his throat, "I was out with my friends, but was home when the staff called me."

Namjoon nodded and replied with a small okay.

Seokjin chuckled, "Take your shirt off."

Namjoon's eyes widened, "What?"

Seokjin sighed, "I'll need to apply the disinfectant on your body too. I saw some bruises there."

Namjoon nodded and hesitatingly removed the shirt. Seokjin was shocked by how lean Namjoon's body was. Though he didn't have abs, he was pretty built and stronger than Seokjin thought Namjon would be. He slowly dabbed the cotton and tried to ace the burning by blowing air on it. Namjoon's eyes were fixed on his lips as they pouted every time Seokjin dabbed the cotton. Namjoon wanted to kiss them so bad that his eyes lingered on the lips for more time than intended.

Seokjin completed his task and looked up and found Namjoon staring at him. Seokjin moved fast but slipped due to the socks he was wearing and fell on Namjoon. Namjoon held Seokjin by his waist and hoisted him to stand properly. Seokjin was too close to Namjoon and looked at him doey eyes. Seokjin gasped and stood properly thanking Namjoon.

Seokjin looked at Namjoon, "Let's sit on the couch and talk." As Namjoon nodded, they sat on the couch. They were a few inches away. Seokjin broke the silence, "You- um.. You want to talk about what happened earlier?"

Namjoon nodded, "I had the panic attack due to the fight. When I was adopted and shifted to a better school, the teachers there realised that I was too smart for my classes. They ran an IQ test and I scored 148."

Seokjin was impressed. "Whaa! Really?"

Namjoon nodded, a bit flustered, "So they made me skip two classes. The kids in the higher standard were really mean to me because I was smarter than them. They started bullying me physically. I was honestly used to it at some point of time. But then Jungkook entered my school and they started bullying him too. I had to protect him. So I started fighting back. You can imagine an 11 year old fighting against the 13 year olds. They were physically stronger and would beat the shit out of me. Then I started exercising and learning how to fight. As I grew up, my physique grew up too and I was able to fight back properly. But it had a side effect."

"You started having panic attacks?" Seokjin interrupted.

Namjoon nodded, "Only Jungkook and I know about it. Every time I fight, I end up having panic attacks. After I was in university, it stopped because no one messed up with me. Today, I was returning to the hotel after dinner and I saw some men beating a boy. I had to save him. So I fought and forgot about the panic attacks."

Seokjin was listening to everything very intensely. "Do you remember their faces, anyone?" Namjoon shook his head. "Okay. Take rest. If you need anything, just call. I will pick up your calls, okay?"

Namjoon nodded and led Seokjin to the entrance. There was a very awkward situation between them. What were they supposed to do? Kiss? Hug?

Seokjin turned around and smiled, "Oh, I forgot to tell you that I will start looking for Jungkook from tomorrow. So don't worry."

Namjoon gasped, "Really? Are you sure?"

Seokjin nodded, "It is my job after all."

Namjoon hugged Seokjin, surprising him, "Thank you! Thank you so much."

Seokjin awkwardly patted Namjoon's back, "Yeah."

Namjooon broke the hug as he realised how awkward it was. He stepped back and scratched his head, "I am sorry, I got excited."

Seokjin nodded, "It's okay." His ears were red due to the close proximity.

Just like that, Seokjin left Namjoon alone in the room. Namjoon let out a deep sigh, "That was awkward."


As promised, Seokjin started to look for Jungkook. He went to every hotel or small cottages where the boy could have stayed. He wanted to send the photo and details to other police stations, but Jungkook wasn't in the database and he feared that someone would take advantage of it to either use Jungkook or demote Seokjin.

By the afternoon, Seokjin was tired and went to Yoona's cafe. "Hey, Yoona. How are you?"

Yoona smiled brightly and greeted Seokjin, "Oppa! I am good. You will take the usual?" Seokjin nodded and sat on the chair near the counter. He sighed and looked out. There were some people walking and some waiting for a bus. Yoona gave him the burger and coke and smiled as Seokjin gave her his card. "Oppa, I have never taken money from you."

Seokjin smiled, "You will. From now."

As soon as Yoona gave him the card back, he saw someone running at a great speed. He saw the face for a split second and recognised him. Seokjin left the burger and ran after him. Seokjin followed him for almost 3 kilometers before the person vanished in a thin air.

Seokjin stopped huffing and called his precinct, "Where did the crime happen?"

Donfitz bank. How did you know, there was a crime?

Seokjin sighed, "I saw Impulse."

The Imperfects [NAMJIN]Where stories live. Discover now