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Seokjin groaned when his phone rang again. He picked up and growled, "What?"

Whoa whoa. Calm down.

Seokjin looked at the number and sighed in relief, "Ah! I am sorry Lisa. Some prick is irritating me. You say. Did the results come out?"

Yes. The DNA he has is not in the kingdom's database.

Seokjin closed his eyes, "Thanks Lisa." He cut the call and determined something. He stood up from his chair and went out of the precinct.

He called Jackson to know where Namjoon was. He was in the national library right now. Seokjin went there and found Namjoon reading some thick book that looked like a physics book. He looked around and many people were staring at him.

Seokjin looked at Namjoon carefully. Namjoon did look stunning while reading. He had glasses on and was so engrossed that he did not notice Seokjin sitting in front of him. Seokjin sighed. "Hey."

Namjoon yelped and looked up, "Sorry. Didn't notice you."

Seokjin nodded, "I know. I came to talk."

Namjoon nodded, "Let me just put it back."

Seokjin waited as Namjoon came out of the library. He cracked some bones in his neck and folded his hands before his chest. When Namjoon came out, he chuckled, "Why do you irritate me?"

Namjoon was confused, "What? When?"

Seokjin rolled his eyes, "Everyday. You call me and rant about things you find 'new'" He made finger quotes at the word new. "Listen. I am a detective. I don't have time for you and your imaginary other world story or your imaginary nephew."

Namjoon groaned, "They are not imaginary. I am a scientist."

Seokjin pulled out a box and gave it to Namjoon, "This is your phone. It has a sim in it."

Namjoon took it with great curiosity and mumbled, "You are worried about me after all."

Seokjin scuffed, "What? No. I bought it so I have your number and I can cut the call when you call me. And don't go asking for phones from strangers. Stop harassing them and me."

Namjoon was greatly offended. He narrowed his eyes, "You are a self centered, selfish. Someone like you should not be in the police at all."

Seokjin's eyes went wide, "Yah! Have you seen yourself? You are a mad scientist. Just be greatful that I am not calling a mental hospital."

Namjoon glared at him, "Say that one more time and I'll forget you are a cop."

Seokjin snarled, "Hit me once and I'll make sure you never get out of the jail."

Namjoon smirked, "Of course. You are obsessed with me. Can't keep me away."

Seokjin chuckled, "Obsessed, my ass." His expressions became serious, "Get out of my eyes and never talk to me."

Namjoon laughed, "I don't need help from a so-called detective. Bye!" He turned around and started walking in the other directions mumbling about how big of an asshole Seokjin was.

Seokjin sighed in relief and called Taehyung, "Wanna go to the club today?"

Sure. I'll ask Jimin. Can I bring my new friend?

Seokjin had a small smile, "Of course, bring whoever you want. It is on me." He cut the call and made another call, "Hey hobi."

You know you can't call me that in public, right?

Seokjin rolled his eyes, "That is really a dumb rule. Anyway, wanna go to the club? My Treat."

I am shocked. But sure. I am in.

Seokjin smiled widely, "Be there at 8." He cut the call after getting an okay.


Yoongi checked the area before giving an okay to Hosoek, "Can't believe you really convinced me for this."

Hoseok smirked, "It is your duty, Min Yoongi.To follow my orders."

Yoongi was really confused by Hoseok's behavior lately. Hoseok didn't flirt like before, he didn't tell Yoongi to call him by his name whenever the older was being formal. And honestly, Hoseok was enjoying the reactions coming from his chief royal guard.

They met Seokjin and Taehyung at the entrance. Seokjin was wearing tight black jeans and white skin fit t-shirt. The clothes hugged him in the right place. He paired it with the darkest blue jacket and some light make up. Taehyung was in his usual fashion gears.

Hoseok whistled as he went closer to the two males, "Wow! You really dressed to kill today."

Hoseok was dressed very smartly. He was wearing a cap and mask to hide his face with a loose t-shirt and skin tight jeans. Yoongi was wearing all black and a mask and cap to hide too.

Seokjin chuckled, "You don't look any less dressed, my dear Hope."

You see, they can't say the king's name in public. So Seokjin came up with an idea of a nickname. Hoseok called himself Hope and they took J from his surname and made it Jhope. It was his name whenever they went for public outings.

The friends hugged each other. Hoseok looked at Taehyung, "Where is your sidekick?"

Taehyung laughed, "He is already inside making sure that the cameras are alright and bribing the owner to not tell anyone that you are here."

Hoseok nodded, "Let's go in."

Taehyung stopped, "You guys go on, I am waiting for my friend to come."

Seokjin sniffled fakely, "My baby brother is so big now. He made a friend himself."

Taehyung whined, "Hyung..."

Yoongi chuckled, "Fine we will go in. it's not safe for Hope to be out here."

Hoseok rolled his eyes and went in followed by Jin and Yoongi.

The club was full of people. There was a smell of sweat and alcohol lingering in the air. The music was loud but not too loud to hurt the ears. People danced at a distance and there was a huge bar, not very far from it. The sitting area was in the far back in the dark. Mostly for people to make out and do unholy shit.

Hoseok sighed, "I missed this."

Seokjin chuckled and ordered some drinks for them. Hoseok quickly downed his drinks and smiled. He leaned in towards Yoongi, making him shiver. It was his first time so close after almost two days of being ignored. Hoseok was too near for comfort. "Do not follow me physically while I am on the dance floor. It is an order."

Hoseok lingered near the ear longer than necessary and left smirking behind his mask. Yoongi felt an unwanted pang in his heart. He closed his eyes and looked at Seokjin who was a drink down, "He has been ignoring me."

Seokjin laughed loudly, "Honestly Yoongi, I would do the same if I were in his place. I would have stopped years ago. Everyone has their self respect."

Yoongi nodded, "I think this is better."

Seokjin shook his head, "I don't want to talk about this today. We will talk tomorrow." He went straight to the dance floor with Hoseok and started grinding on some stranger he felt was cute.

After about half an hour, he was full on making out with a guy, he didn't know the name of. He was about to ask 'Your place or mine' when his phone rang. He groaned but picked the call.

Do you know Kim Namjoon?

Seokjin rolled his eyes, "Why?"

You need to come to the Blue sea hotel. It is an emergency.

Seokjin sighed, "Look I don't care abo-"

He is shivering badly and has curled on the floor and won't listen to us. He is mumbling something and the only contact he had on his phone was you.

The Imperfects [NAMJIN]Where stories live. Discover now