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It had been one month since Namjoon had gone back to his world and Seokjin would have thought that the entire time Namjoon was there was a fever dream. But he couldn't when they had so many photos on his phone, mostly taken by the younger who deliberately forced him to take them together. Also, Taehuyng constantly bugged him about things he did with Jungkook while he was there. Sometimes, he heard Jimin talk about him too.

One month since he had any contact with Namjoon, who had said that he would return soon. Wasn't one month too much to be called soon? It wasn't like Seokjin missed him. Well, if you ask Yoongi, he would say that Seokjin missed Namjoon so much that he whined almost every evening to him and Hoseok.

Today was no different. He went to the palace for some 'work' as they liked to call it. It was just the group drinking at Hoseok's private bar and gossiping about the kingdom. Like a responsible citizen he was, he only drank as much as he could control and drive back to his house.

In the last month, many things had changed. Taehyung moved in with Jimin, which left Seokjin alone in his huge mansion. He was thinking of giving a room on rent to Yoongi, but then he heard that he and Hoseok fucked like bunnies. According to Jimin, of course. So he went against it.

After a drink, as he came home, he found that no one came to greet him. Usually, it would be Hyuna, his maid, who would take his coat and extra belongings. He went in and saw smoke coming from the kitchen. His eyes went wide and he went into the kitchen to find a man standing with his back towards him and scratching his head.

Seokjin took his gun out and pointed at the stranger, "Seoul police, turn around with our hands behind your head."

The person shrieked and turned around. Seokjin was shell shocked. "Namjoon? What the hell?" He put the gun down and gawked at the younger standing there in the middle of all the smoke, with a spatula in his hand and wearing Seokjin's apron. His hair was covered in floor and the apron had many residues of what Seokjin supposed was chicken and spices.

Seokjin went near and saw the mess in his kitchen. The pan was burnt with the things that were in it. Namjoon must have poured some inflammable liquid to put the fire off which just made it worse. He looked at Namjoon, confused and trying to contemplate everything. "What were you doing?"

Namjoon finally speaks, "I am so sorry. I know I took way too long to come back. So I thought I would make dinner for you and so I told your maids to go home for today. But... but I forgot that I can't cook." He said the last part in almost a whisper and looked down with embarrassment.

Seokjin looked at the burnt pan and then at Namjoon. He smiled and took Namjoon's face in his hands and kissed his forehead, "Gosh Namjoon! You are so cute!"

Namjoon pouted, "I burnt your kitchen. Almost."

Seokjin laughed, "Doesn't matter. I'll tell someone to clean it. You must be hungry." Namjoon nodded cutely, "Let's go out to eat."

Namjoon smiled and hugged Seokjin tightly, hiding in the crook of his neck, "I am sorry."

"It's okay. Let's get you cleaned first." Seokjin took Namjoon to his room and made him bath first. Namjoon had come with his clothes and few other things. Seokjin had told him to wear something casual before going to bath himself.

Seokjin came out of the bathroom wearing a cute baby pink sweater and denim jeans. As soon as he stepped in his bedroom, he was attacked by a tight hug. He giggled and hugged back.

"I missed you." Namjoon said in tiny, making Seokjin coo at him.

Seokjin ruffled his hair, "I missed you too."

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