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Namjoon looked at the paper, "Of course. This is my appa's signature."

Seokjin looked at the symbol again and then it struck him, "Yes! I saw it in his lab. Of course."

Namjoon was still confused, "But Why-"

"Hey, Seokjin hyung, I heard you got in an accident today." Youngjae interrupted Namjoon.

Seokjin looked past Namjoon and nodded, "Yeah, they were the supernatural bastards again."

Youngjae nodded, "Good that you are okay. Do you have any idea about the symbol they leave on the site?"

Seokjin looked between Namjoon and Youngjae and then shook his head, "No, I haven't figured it out yet."

Youngjae smirked, "Good. Because I will figure it out before you and snatch that promotion."

Seokjin rolled his eyes and Youngjae left the two alone.

Namjoon looked at Seokjin with hurt expressions, "So, that is why this is here."

Seokjin was confused, "What do you mean?"

Namjoon scoffed, "I thought you changed. But you are still self-centred, selfish as before."

Seokjin narrowed his eyes, "What are you saying, Namjoon?"

Namjoon chuckled, "You saw the symbol at my house and then you came here and used it to your profit. To gain promotion. Did you play with my feelings for the same reason? I bet you did." He didn't wait for Seokjin's response and bolted out of the precinct with the paper.

Seokjin was so shocked that he didn't know what to reply. He finally came to his senses and followed Namjoon. He stopped Namjoon from behind pulling his shoulder, "What do you mean by saying I used you? These symbols have been here for 15 years. They have been harassing the citizens for way too long. You have been here for three months. If I really had to use you, I would have reported it immediately to the superiors. You are one of the most important people in my life. But my kingdom comes first. I didn't even come to a conclusion with what you just told me. Someone could have been using your father's name to defame him. But if your father is behind all this, I won't hesitate to arrest him or even encounter him."

Namjoon looked at Seokjin with tears in his eyes, "What if I stop you?"

Seokjin was dying inside, but from outside he kept his gaze stern, "Then I'll have to take actions against you too. Whoever this man is, he took away my family from me. He killed the previous king. If this man happens to be your father, then I am sorry, I will definitely take actions." Seokjin left Namjoon in the middle of the street and went back inside the precinct.

Namjoon sniffled and went back to his world using the watch.

Welcome back, Namjoon

"Koya, prepare the bed, I am tired." Namjon said, as he slouched down to his room and fell on the bed. The dam of tears broke as soon as he hit the mattress. He cried himself to sleep.

The next day, he woke up. Tired. He washed and went out to meet his mother. She always calmed him down.

He scanned his hand on the scanner and the door opened.

Welcome home, Namjoon-shi.

Namjoon smiled, "Thank you Chimmy. Where is eomma?"

She is in the garden.

Namjoon went straight to the garden and back hugged his mother.

His mother flinched but calmed down as she saw who it was, "Aigo! You scared me, Joonie."

The Imperfects [NAMJIN]Where stories live. Discover now