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Taehyung was sitting on the couch and very immersed in his designs when he heard the door open and close.

"I am home." He smiled as he saw Seokjin emerge through the corner. Limping.

Taehyung put his pencil down and smirked, "Did you go to Seojoon hyung's home."

Seokjin looked up at him, "How did you know?"

Taehyung chuckled and pointed at him, "You are limping and your friends with benefits arrangement is not a secret to me."

Seokjin sat on the couch next to him a bit wincing, "Yeah, I was with him. But the arrangement ended today."

Taehyung tilted his head in surprise, "Why?"

Seokjin sighed, "He is going to propose to Park Minyoung tomorrow. He was nervous and very anxious. I helped to blow some stress."

Taehyung nodded, "They would look like a power couple." He started playing with Seokjin's hair as Seokjin leaned in his touch. "Are you okay?"

Seokjin nodded, "Yeah, just tired."


Seokjin sighed, "Of lying to myself that I don't need a steady partner. Everyone is going ahead and I was still thinking of going to a club, finding a male or female to sleep with. Maybe I should try to settle down."

"Don't think about what others have achieved, hyung." Seokjin was lying on his lap by now, "You go by your own pace and speed. If you think that you don't want to settle, it's up to you. No one has the say in it. Just know that whatever you do, I will always support you."

Seokjin smiled and snuggled closer, "Thank you TaeTae."

After a while, Taehyung's phone rang. He scrunched when he saw it was an unknown number. He was about to cut it but he shrugged and picked it up.

Hey, is it Kim Taehyung? I hope it is KimTaehyung.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "If you are a sasaeng then no, It's not Kim Taehyung."

Aw man. But the card had this number.

Taehyung scrunched his nose, "What card? Who are you?"

He gave me his personal card. Didn't expect it to be fake.

Taehyung's eyes flew wide, "Wait, are you Jungkook?"

Yes... but how do you know?

Taehyung sighed, "Ahh. I thought it was some stalker. I am Kim Taehyung. So you got a new phone, huh?"

There was a giggle on the other side, "Yes. Actually, I thought the new sim would go in the old phone, but it didn't work. So I had to buy a new phone."

Taehyung smiled fondly, "So, you need help?"

No. No, I called because I wanted to give you a treat for helping me. Are you free tomorrow?

Taehyung chuckled, "Let me see." He checked his tablet and sighed, "Well you are lucky. I am free in the evening."

Great! Let's go for coffee.

Taehyung hummed, "I know a place. I will text you the address."

Yes. That would be great. Bye bye.

Taehyung smiled and cut the call. Seokjin looked at him, "Are you going for a coffee with someone? Did you break up with Jimin?"

Taehyung nodded frantically, "No! He is just a friend that I helped the other day. He just wants to give me a treat."

Seokjin hummed and closed his eyes as Taehyung continued to play with his hair.


"Hmm... this is nice." Jungkook moaned as he drank the coffee. Taehyung smiled at him and continued to sip on his hot chocolate.

A few minutes later, Taehuyng looked up and sighed, "As a friend, I am telling you this, do not ask someone for coffee if you don't mean to ask them on a date. In this world, if you ask for coffee it automatically means that you are asking them on a date."

Jungkook's eyes went wide and there was a prominent blush on his cheeks, "And what if I want this to be a date?"

Taehyung gasped and shook his head, "No! I mean, I already have a very gorgeous and handsome boyfriend. And I don't want to leave him for anything in the whole world."

Jungkook ducked his head in embarrassment, "Oh, I am sorry. Of course someone as handsome as you is taken."

Taheyung smiled softly, "Don't worry Jungkook-ah, we can still be friends. If you want to."

Jungkook flashed his bunny smile, "Of course, I want to. I am not that attached to you yet. It's just that you are so handsome and pretty and kind that I had to give it a shot."

Taehyung laughed warmly, "Well then, you will be my first true friend outside my brother's circle."

Jungkook was confused by the statement but decided to ask about it later. He smiled and continued drinking his coffee.


It had been three days since Namjoon got freed from the police and two while he was constantly searching for Jungkook. He searched at all the hotels and hostels where Jungkook could have possibly stayed. But he failed every time.

Right now he was searching Jungkook at the cafes near his hotel. He sat on a bench under a tree sipping his third coffee. It was only afternoon. He sighed and thought carefully about where else he could possibly find him. "Ah! How am I going to find him?" As he was about to return, he heard a siren. He smiled and got up, "I know how I am going to find him." He started walking with a smile.

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