He Tells You He Loves You

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Michael: You were being a lot quieter recently because of all the hate you were getting on twitter. You tried your best to hide it, but Michael noticed right away.
"Y/N, whats wrong?" He asked sitting beside you putting his hand on your thigh. You looked at him with teary eyes that were going to burst any moment.
"The fans-- they don't like me." You stuttered burying your face into his chest.
"Y/N don't listen to them, look at me." He whispered forcing you to look at him. Your mascara had already stained your cheeks so you probably looked a mess, which made you feel worse.
"I love you." Was all he said & it made you smile.
"I love you too." You smiled leaning up & kissing him with love & compassion.

Luke: It was a rainy day & you enjoyed watching it patter against the window. You weren't a very open person & you kept lots of things quiet but you told Luke everything, he was the only person you could trust.
Your attention came off the rain & towards Luke at the door. You smiled as he walked over to you, handing you a steaming cup of coffee.
"Thanks." You muttered kindly, blowing at it gently before taking a sip.
Luke sat opposite you on the windowsill & studied you intently. You noticed this & you felt a little intimidated.
"What?" You shrugged & tried to laugh it off.
"Nothing, I just really love you." He smiled taking hold of your hand. A small blush painted against your cheeks & you smiled at his words.
"I love you too." You smiled, lacing your fingers together.

Ashton: You were watching the 5SOS concert from backstage. Although you wanted to be in the crowd with the screaming girls, it was way to risky & you would probably get crushed. However you love the boys fans & some of them recognised that you were Ashton's girlfriend & you took some photos with them.
It was the final song of the show, 'She Looks So Perfect' & you jammed along backstage as you did with every song.
When the show finished & you saw the boys approaching you, you ran & jumped into Ashton's arms.
"That was such an awesome show, I loved it." You said enthusiastically giving Ashton a quick kiss on the lips.
"And I love you." He smiled, blushing slightly. You laughed at his embarrassment & smiled. He leaned in to kiss you again & you mumbled a 'I love you too' against his lips.

Calum: You had just finished crying for the millionth time today. You had just lost your grandmother due to old age. You were really close to your grandmother & every-so-often a memory of the pair of you would flash into your brain & cause you to break down in tears.
Calum came over to you to comfort you & you gladly accepted his gesture. Calum had met your grandmother a few times & they had a good friendship.
"I miss her Calum." You sobbed into Calum's shirt.
"I know you do princess, but she's always with you wherever you are." He muffled through your hair.
For the next few minutes it was silent except from your loud sobbing.
"I love you Y/N, please know that & i'll support you as long as you need me." Calum blurted out, immediately stopping you from sobbing.
"I love you too Calum." You smiled weakly giving him a caring hug. He kissed your cheek & he turned on your favourite TV show & you cuddled for the rest of the day.

A/N: I liked writing this one. If you've lost someone or suffering from depression, inbox me & i'll make you smile, 100% guarantee. Love you all my luvs, thanks for reading.

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