He Comforts You After A Nightmare

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Michael: You unconscious, sleeping body was shaking intensely at the horrific images you where seeing in your nightmare. It was the car crash you experienced around 3 years ago before you met Michael. You had a huge white scar on your stomach, and you've been insecure about it since you've been with Michael, he deserves someone prettier.
"Y/N?! Y/N! Wake up baby please!" You heard Michael shout and grip your shoulders. You woke up suddenly and jumped into his arms. Your legs wrapped around his body and his protective arms wrapped around your body. You started to blubber a bit because you still kept seeing images of the nightmare.
"It happened again Michael. It felt so real, even though it was real, why is it haunting me?" You cried on his shoulder, gripping his shirt with your fists.
"It's okay baby, nothing like that will ever happen again, I promise." He said softly stroking the back of your head.
"I love you Michael." Is all you could say back.
"I love you too Y/N."

Luke: "Luke NO!" You screamed in your sleep causing you to wake up panting and gasping for breath. Luke immediately pulled you into his embrace as you started to sob.
"I thought you where killed, it was a nightmare, i'm sorry for waking you." You sighed feeling guilty.
"It's okay, I needed to see if my baby girl was okay." He said kissing you forehead.
"Now go back to sleep, no-one is going to kill me or you, I got you." He said lying back down and pulling you into his chest. You nuzzled your face into it, the nightmare you had moments ago, all forgotten.

Ashton: You awoke with sweat dripping off your forehead and gasping for breath. You where cradled in Ashton's arms and he was rocking you gently like a small child.
"It's okay Y/N, it was just a nightmare." He whispered kissing your cheek reassuringly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pecked his lips.
"I'm so glad to have someone like you who comforts me like this." You smiled. He was still rocking you carefully & you calmed down eventually, drifting off into a pleasant sleep.

Calum: "CALUM!" You screamed on the top of your lungs. You shot up and your eyes scanned the dark room for your boyfriend. A sleepy Calum sat up and rubbed his eyes lazily. You jumped suddenly onto him, causing him to stumble a little.
"I thought i'd lost you." You said beginning to cry a little.
"Aw Y/N, you had a nightmare." He chuckled softly, but hugged you tightly.
"It felt so real, i'm never letting you go." You said still in his embrace. He kissed you passionately reassuring you that he was still here, beside you, never letting you escape.
"You'll never loose me." He mumbled against your lips and you smiled, knowing that it was just a horrific nightmare.

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