He's In A Bad Mood (Lashton)

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Luke: You knew Luke was in a bad mood when he sat in an isolated room, usually your basement, ignoring the world.
"Luke?..." You called walking down the flight of stairs leading to your basement. You heard Luke shuffle around a little bit on the sofa, signalling to you that he wanted to be alone.
"Wanna cuddle?" You asked leaning over the sofa peering down at him. He huffed and turned his back on you. You climbed over the old sofa, restraining him until he told you what was wrong.
"I'm such a disgrace to the band. I messed up big time today, I could hit the notes I needed for the album recording." He sniffled, his once bright eyes now drowning in darkness & disappointment.
"It's okay Luke, it's normal for singers like yourself to have some voice problems, it'll blow over." You reassured him lightly brushing his arm.
He sighed.
"I'm sorry i've been an ass to you Y/N. Can we have that cuddle now?"
You smiled knowing your old, cheery Luke was back. You gave him a bone-crushing hug and cuddled down in the basement for several more hours talking about random shit on your minds.

Ashton: Ashton had been so distant lately. Completely zoned out of the world. Your career as a model had kicked off recently, so you where hardly around. You had thoughts that you 2 where drifting apart because you had to go to photo-shoots & Ashton was at the studio or at interviews.
"Ashton, will you please talk to me?" You sighed approaching Ashton who was scrolling through his phone. He shrugged lazily and scooted over for you to sit down.
"Will you please tell me whats wrong?" You asked softly. He pulled you onto his lap and twirled around with your hair.
"I know this sounds selfish but I just don't like you posing for cameras. Boys&men everywhere stare at your body for ages & I just feel like you belong to them and not me." He sighed looking down to the ground sadly.
"Oh Ashton," You sighed
"I only belong to you, I don't fancy any other boy but you, I love you. I worry about the same thing. Girls all around the world wanting to be with you & all these rumours sinking through."
"They're not true, i'm sorry Y/N, I over reacted a bit." He said. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his lips onto yours.

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