You Have A Crush On Him & He Finds Out

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Ashton: You patiently waited for your best friend to arrive so you could go to the movies together. You had been friends with Ashton since the pair of you where in diapers. Your parents are really close friends since they where young too & you & Ashton where practically like brother & sister. But lately you had been developing some 'feelings' & you acted nervous around him & you couldn't keep your cool. The chime of the door bell pulled you out of your trance. You bounded towards the front door & shouted to your mom to tell her that you where leaving. You violently chewed your lip as you & Ashton exchanged a few glances, flirtatiously.
"Ashton, I kinda have... Um something to tell you.." You said your voice shaking slightly. He nodded his head nonchalantly to show you had his attention. You where blushing furiously now, but you had to get it out of you.
"I think i'm going through a teenage phase or something because I think I like you that way?..." You trailed off shutting your eyes tightly chewing the inside of your cheek, disquieted to see his acknowledgment. He chuckled to himself & you exhaled in relief.
"Y/N, it's okay... I guess I sorta like you too." He shrugged which made your stomach do somersaults & your heart flutter in his agreement.

Luke: It was just a casual day, hanging out with Luke. You cuddled on the sofa & watched movies for the majority of the day. You & Luke had a healthy, strong friendship, nothing more. Also you where both totally comfortable cuddling & doing couple related things because you both new it was a friendly gesture. It's also a unique thing about your relationship. However gradually throughout the weeks, you've cuddled a lot more than usual & you where feeling something much more than friends.
"Y/N, can I ask you something?" Luke asked looking down at you.
"Sure Luke, what is it?" You rolled around so you where facing him.
"Do you like me more than a friend?" He stated out of the blue. You blushed idiotically. You sighed & nodded your head shamelessly. He smiled brightly at your answer leaving you demoralised at his reaction.
"Aw, that's so adorable Y/N." He cooed dragging your name out. You playfully punched your chest & turned your back on him in a huff, still embarrassed by the previous happening.

Michael: All 4 boys where over at your house & you decided to play a game of truth or dare, which was a huge mistake. You had recently been talking to Luke & admitting you had a tiny crush on Michael. Knowing Luke he would do something related to it, truth or dare & there was no easing my way out of it.
"Y/N truth or dare?" Luke smirked evilly at you & you shot him an icy glare, freezing him out of reality for a few seconds.
"Dare.... no truth..." You said immediately regretting your decision because of the childish smirk on his face.
"Do you have a crush on anyone in this room? You have to answer & say who it is." He said folding his arms proudly, holding back the smirk which was threatening to paint on his face. Your face was steaming red with anger & embarrassment.
"Yes..." You trailed off & sighing.
"Michael... I'm sorry but it's you." I admitted causing Luke to finally explode with laughter, along side Calum & Ashton.
"I'm so sorry..." I hissed towards Michael sadly.
"It's okay Y/N, its cool." He shrugged wrapping his arms around your shoulder playfully. Your face was still flushing with redness.
"It's kinda cute you like me." He smiled making you feel better.

Calum: Your best friend had invited you to come over to her house. However she didn't say that Calum was in too. Calum was her brother & she found out recently that you had a small crush on him & she teased you constantly.
"Hey Y/N!" Calum said startling you a little. You smiled weakly & greeted him back. Whilst you where trying to be less awkward, you saw Y/B/F/N eyeballing you from the door frame & cackling evilly.
"Why don't you 2 just get together already." She blurted out & immediately slapped her hand over her mouth. You & Calum laughed awkwardly.
"Well maybe we should?..." You hinted trying not to throw yourself at him. He then changed his tone of laughter & you played along. You sighed in disbelief as you knew it wouldn't happen.
"Y/N I know you like me, Y/B/F/N told me weeks ago. It's really cute but it couldn't happen..." He trailed off easing you off easily, trying not to hurt you. You nodded and gave Calum a caring friend hug. As you pulled away he gave you a quick peck on the cheek which made you blush embarrassingly but it was nice.

A/N: OMGG i'm so sorry this is so awful but you know what the hell.

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