Protective Brother

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*Just to clarify, the boy who is in bold is your brother, btw thanks for reading cya!*

Ashton: Ashton scowled at you from across the room, with his arms folded and slouched into the arm chair.
"What's wrong with you?" You asked in a stern tone. "Is it because i'm dating Jake? He's a nice guy Ashton."
"He's an ass, thats what he is." Ashton scoffed. You rolled your eyes and stood up. You finalised your make-up in the mirror. You heard a light tapping on the door. You opened it to see your boyfriend of 3 months. He enveloped you into a long warm hug and kissed your cheek.
"Ashton, i'm leaving, i'll be back at 9." You hallowed down the corridor, towards the living room. Within seconds he came to the door frame and leaned on it.
"Take care of her, or your dead mate." Ashton said coldly to Jake. Jake nodded his head slightly in fear.
"Yeah, you better." Ashton muttered under his breath.
"Your brother is scary as hell Y/N." Jake whispered in your ear, not wanting Ashton to hear. You rolled his eyes at his attitude. He's always had that protective instinct over me, it's cute sometimes he over reacts.

Michael: "Y/N please can you take your useless paperwork upstairs, the living room is messed up because of it." My brother Michael shouted shoving all my homework in pile. You come into the living room with all your homework disorganised.
"Michael! That was in a specific order!" You whined almost tearing your hair out. He mimicked your voice and shoved the paperwork in your hands.
"It's all your junk thats cluttered the room." You muttered under your breath. The door bell chimed and Michael banged into you causing the paper to flutter everywhere.
"Michael!" You screeched but he completely ignored you. Ashton,Luke&Calum came crashing through the door.
"Hey Y/N, need some help?" Ashton said towering over you as you knelt down collecting paper.
"No it's fine, it's all MICHAEL'S FAULT." You said raising your voice near the end causing Ashton to chuckle a little.
"HEY ASHTON YOUR MEANT TO BE BANGING THESE DRUMS DOWN HERE NOT BANGING MY SISTER, ILL KILL YOU." Michael shouted as loud as he could. It made you and Ashton's cheeks fluorescent pink.

Luke: You was in your room, buried under layers of duvets, with a box of tissues, crying. You had just split up from your boyfriend of 2 years, and it hit you pretty hard. The most hurtful thing was he had already moved on&kissing some other girl. All along you knew he was a player. The thing you where most frightened off was your brother, Luke. He was always super protective over you, especially when it came to boyfriends. I guess it's an older brother's instinct.
"Y/N I'm home- shit." Luke said crashing through the door and seeing you sobbing. You looked up with your red puffy eyes&tear stained cheeks.
"What happened?" He said panically. He immediately pulled you into his chest and you continued to cry.
"Kieran, he-he broke up with me and he's ran off Y/B/F/N." You said in between sobs. Luke's face turned completely angry, mixed with rage and violence.
"I'm gonna kill him, he's a total arsehole, i'll show him." He said with his voice raised and clenching his fist until they turned white because of the tense. Luke stormed out of your room and slammed the door. It's good to have a big brother sometimes.

Calum: You where at your best friends party and Calum came along since him&your best friends brother where close mates. You sat down in a quite corner, away from the socialising and loud music, waiting to catch up with your other friend. She went over to the snack table and you where left alone, but not for long. Your ex boyfriend, Chad, came stumbling over, obviously out of his mind because of his mass amount of alcohol.
"Hey beautiful.." He slurred plonking down beside you. You inched away slightly.
"Hey, don't be shy, I don't bite." He giggled.
"I'm not too sure." You replied muttering under your breath. He placed his hand on your thigh and starting tracing circles on it until he gradually moved up...
"Get your filthy hands off me." You snapped, but it encouraged him more.
"Hey buddy," A large muscular person said placing his hand forcefully on his shoulder. Chad's head snapped back facing the person, only to get a right hook on his cheek.
"Never touch my sister, EVER, you twat." Calum shrieked. The whole room and party came to a standstill, causing people to stare at us coldly. You mouthed a thank-you to Calum&he nodded his head. He scoffed as he looked down at the unconscious Chad.

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