Break-Up With Michael Part 2

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Your pillow was soaked in your hot tears. As you was sleeping your tears fell. You inhaled deeply in fear as you felt 2 strong arms restrain your waist. You continued to cry & sob, with fear & sorrow.
"Don't cry... Im here..." A familiar voice said which scarily relaxed you & your crying came to a halt.
"Michael?" Was all you could spit out through the excessive sobs. He tucked you into his chest & kissed you multiple times through your hair. After a few minutes you had calmed down & Michael comforted you by stroking your lower back.
"You don't want to break up really do you?" He whispered worriedly in your ear.
"Yes." You said quickly holding back the tears, or at least what you had left. He sat up & stared down at you confused. His face was just like a painting, you could make out exactly what emotions he was feeling.
"What the fuck Y/N? I came back for you & you still wanna break up?" He said angrily gritting his teeth.
"Just because you came back doesn't make us okay Michael, you'll go away for months again." You said back as forcefully as he did.
"Well that won't be for a while, at least 4 months until I leave next." He said sternly, but his eyes begging you to stay.
"I honestly don't know what to do anymore. You'll just go away again." You cried sobbing again.
"Stop crying baby please, I hate it." He shushed you hugging your head into his chest.
"I think you should just leave Michael, its too hard & to much to think about right now." You said standing up pointing towards the door. You eyes focused on the ground, not wanting to make eye contact. Your hair shielded you face so he couldn't see you were still crying. He got up to hug you, but you rejected his offer & shuffled back a few steps. He cursed loudly multiple times under his breath before storming out of your house. You spied out of your window & watch him get really infuriated. He tugged violently at his colour-dyed hair as he menacingly kicked over your trash can.
"I LOVE YOU Y/N Y/L/N, REMEMBER THAT!" He shouted as loud as he could. You moved the blind with your finger until you noticed he was staring at your window. You unhesitatingly shut your blinds in a flash. You shut your eyes tight, hoping to prevent tears slipping from your eye-ball, but the strategy failed. It was over between you 2 officially. He became more famous as you became more unknown. However you never forgot about him & he never forgot about you.

A/N: TADA! I hoped you liked it.. I liked writing this so much, there will be more like this soon! Thanks for all the support, stay safe bbes!💝

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