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"Mami would you stop looking at yourself in the mirror and come on?" I glanced over at the conceited cat, purring as she stared at her reflection.

"It's such a blessing to have such beauty, you know," she said, swishing her tail. "You can never get enough of it."

"Well I can." I quickly pulled my white hair up into a ponytail and faced her. "Come on. We have to go train."

"That's all your mind is on, huh?" She rolled her eyes at me. "Training, training, training. One day you're going to train yourself to death and I am not going to be responsible when that happens. Just stating that from now."

"Sometimes I miss the old respectful Mami who dared not say anything against her queen."

"Well it's too late for that now."

"You sure about tha-"

"Hey would you pass me that brush over there?" Her tail pointed to the hardback brush lying on the dining table. "My fur looks a little loose. I can't go out looking like this. What a mess!"

What a conceited little cat...

I looked at the brush and a small smirk appeared on my lips. Yeah, you'll get your brush alright. I grabbed the brush at its handle and hurled it at her head. It collided with a 'thunk'.

"Ow!!" she yelped, her tail raising instinctively into the air. "What was that for?!"

"You see, if you were training more often, you would have been able to dodge that." I tsked at her, reveling in the feeling. "Which ninja can't dodge a brush?"

Mami did what I assumed was a pout. Her tail limped and she walked over to the window, looking out. "If you wanted to leave that badly, you could have just said so."

I rolled my eyes and made my way over to her. "I believe I did. Over and over again. These ears aren't just for decoration," I said, flicking her ear.

"Oh, you would know wouldn't you," she muttered under her breath. Unluckily for her, my ears were way past the decoration phase.

"What was that?" I asked, menacingly.

"Wooow, what a beautiful day, it is!" Mami's eyes widened in pretend awe as she tried to avoid mine. I lifted an eyebrow. "Aren't we going to train? What are you waiting for?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought you said."

I hopped unto her back, feeling her body coil under mine, as she got ready to jump. I grabbed her hair as she sprang out of the apartment window.

"Where to, boss?" she asked.

My mind went to Sasuke immediately. It's been three days since I carried him to the hospital and I haven't been back since. I had been planning to go check up on him some time ago but then I totally forgot. I have been training, training, training, just as Mami said. My friends are probably wondering if I fell off the face of the earth since they haven't seen me.

"Let's go to the hospital," I said.

"Why there?" Mami asked, even as she set off. "We can't train there - ohhhhhh, you're going to look for Sasuke aren't you?"


"Aww, that's so sweet. I bet he would love that you came to visit him, even if he's in coma."

"If he's in a coma, how would he know I visited him?"

Mami sighed. "By the power of love, of course."

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