The Battle Part 2

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Hey readers!!! I just wanted to say that I do not own any of the Naruto characters. What I do own are my own characters and since this is my fanfic, I'm entitle to change things up a bit aren't I? And don't worry, I won't be following the story line all the time. I'll branch off to make it more about Lea, okay?

Happy reading!

Naruto's POV

I grumbled incoherently to myself. I was still mad that a boy MY AGE could beat someone that strong! He even looked like a girl! What the hell?!!

What Kakashi had said ran back through my mind and I paused. That had to be impossible, he had to be reassuring me. There could never be kids out there younger than me but stronger than Kakashi.

Kakashi was like ... super-duper strong.

I clenched my fist. I had to become strong too. I can't let some little hunter nin show me up, not to mention Sasuke. He thinks he so cool. With his spiky hair and the way Sakura fawned all over him. Tch, I'll show him. Soon Sakura will be fawning all over me too.

I kicked a stone, still angry. Kakashi was resting in the room and everyone else was ... somewhere else. This would be the perfect time to get some training in. I ran into the forest to the spot where Sasuke and I had competed to perfect our chakra control. I looked up and grinned. The tree was pretty high.

There were sounds coming from my left. I frowned. I thought I was the only one out here. I went towards the sound and spotted Lea.

She had her palm out in front of her and she looked like she was concentrating hard.

"Hey Lea!" I greeted with a grin.

She didn't even look up. I went closer, not sure if she was in a very good mood. If there was anyone on this earth that was so bipolar and closed off, it was Lea. I had no idea how to talk to her.

She stopped suddenly and whirled on me. "Naruto," she said. "Heads up."

A kunai flew past my face and I jumped in surprise. "What the heck was that for?!"

She didn't answer me. Instead she lunged after me, fists raised. I blocked it just in time. "What the hell are you doing, Lea?!"

"Just fight me Naruto and shut up."

I pushed myself away from her, sliding backwards. I grinned. "I've been waiting forever for this." Which was true. Since that time when she took down one of our ambushers I knew she would be a great rival.

I came after her, shouting as I did so.

Lea's POV

Naruto charged after me with a loud battle cry. He attempted to punch me but I ducked under his arm. His foot came around as soon as I came up and I blocked it. Pain shot up my thin arm. I grabbed his foot with my hand, holding him in place and flipped him over. He landed ungracefully on his back.

He was up a second later, coming at me with full speed. He lifted his fingers to his mouth. "Kage Bunshin no Justu!" Two more of him appeared.

"Three boys against one girl, Naruto?" I asked him, jumping backwards. His clone grinned at me as he flew a punch after me. I dodged it but I didn't see the kick coming. It landed in my stomach. I cried out in pain.

"C'mon Lea!" Naruto encouraged me. I stood up.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Two more of me appeared and we took one the Narutos. I flew punches and kicks as fast as I could after him but he either dodged or blocked them. I jumped on my hand and kicked after him. It hit him hard in the face. He was up a second later and so was I.

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