Welcome to Konoha

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I stopped and gaped at the village. It was huge. Granted, I was only on the outside but wow. This was completely different from the little village that I used to live in, but I shook off the thought. I didn't want to think about that place again. I wanted to put that in the back of my mind and never think of it again. They would be back for me, I knew. They would never let me go without a fight.

That thought brought fear. I didn't want them to find me. I couldn't let them find me. This village was huge. No one can find me in here right?

I ran forward, almost tripping over my feet in my haste to get lost among the tall buildings.

"Hey, wait up!" Kiba shouted at me. The white, small but terrifying creature beside him barked at me and I could have sworn the hairs fell right of my skin. It made me run even faster.

"Damn it, wait on me!" Kiba shouted after me. I didn't wait. I couldn't.

I ran as fast as I could towards the towering gates, believing that once I stepped foot over those gates I would be safe. For now.

"Woah there, missy." Two ninjas appeared in front of me and I halted in my tracks. How did they do that? They wore the same headband that Kiba, Shino and Hinata. They both wore it on their heads though.

"Where do you think you're going?" said the first one. He was dressed in green and dark blue, his undershirt coming all the way up to his chin. His headband was in the form of a cap that covered his hair. He had a bang with only one eye showing. He looked at me up and down, taking in my appearance and then looked over at the other guy.

The other guy looked pretty much the same as the first one, except this one had wild blue hair that stood straight up and bandages across his cheek.

I didn't answer them, just stood staring at them. I didn't know what I was to say honestly. I had no idea how to speak to people. Being locked up all your life kind of does that sort of thing to you. Looking at them though, I couldn't help but feel that they were the good ones. Much like Kiba, Shikamaru and Hinata. They had a weird but good vibe.

Kiba caught up behind me. "This," he said panting. "Is ..."

"I'm lost," I answered, not wanting to supply my name. Kiba frowned at me but played along.

"Uh, yeah, she's lost and has nowhere to go, so we brought her in to help. Hope that's okay." He rubbed the back of his head and grinned at them sheepishly.

Shikamaru and Hinata walked up behind us. "We're going to let her see the Hokage," Shikamaru said, hands in his pocket, looking at the two adult ninjas as if he really didn't care what I did.

The first one with the bang nodded, then a grin spilt across his face. "Well, don't let him wait then," he said. "I'm Izumo Kamizuki by the way. And this," he gestured to his partner, "Is Kotetsu."

Kotetsu raised his hand in greeting. "Yo."

I blinked. Was it that easy to get into this place? I stared at the two as they stared at me.

Hinata broke the silence. "Um, I guess we should go then." She looked at me and looked back down, as if scared I would attack her. What was so wrong with her? She shouldn't be scared of me, I should be afraid of them. I was the outcast here. I was the one walking into this unknown place with no knowledge of what and who these people are. I should be running for my life. But I knew if I did, I would be running from everyone for the rest of my life. And that's one thing I couldn't afford. As much as I hated it, I knew I couldn't take care of myself.

"Well c'mon then," Kiba said loudly, grabbing unto my arm. "Let's go!" He grinned at me and started forward, dragging me along. I let it happen. I had no idea where I was supposed to go anyway. But then his dog barked and I drew back, terrified.

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