Reina/Lea Hasharimi Stats Redone

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Name: Reina Hasharimi
Age: 12 when she arrives, leaves at 14 (Shippuden: 16)

Species: Human
Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Blood Type:B+

Birthday: October 21st
Personality: Doesn't have much emotion to anything but tends to get angry easily. Loves to sleep, hates being woken up. Doesn't talk much unless she's used to you.
Good Trait(s): Protective of people she loves
Bad Trait(s): Arrogant, anger issues, cowardly at times
Like(s): Food, sleeping, meat, learning new jutsus
Dislike(s): Animals (except Mami), being woken from her sleep
Hobby(ies): Training, sleeping
Fear(s): Him, animals
Strength(s): Ninjustu, Taijutsu
Weakness(es): None she knows of (yet)
Personal Quote: "Damn it!"

History: Was taken in by a maniac after he killed her whole clan and tortured and locked up until she finally managed to escape.

Clan Info
Clan Name: Hasharimi clan
Symbol: Asterisk symbol in a circle

History: Started by Muro Hasharimi, killed off by him

Specialty: Genjutsu

Jutsus/Techniques: Myriad Mirage, Death Strokes, Immortality
Kekkei Genkai: Ketsuekigan
Status: Everyone is dead

Clan Appearance
[This is what members of my clan usually have, for example Hyuuga's usually seem to have paler skin,and brown or black hair, and of course their pale eyes ]
-Skin Tone: Pale
-Markings: None
-Hair color(s): Black or white
-Eye color(s): Red

Looks and Appearance
Body Type/Looks: Small and skinny
Height: 4'9 (Shippuden: 5'5)
Weight: 80 lbs (Shippuden: 115 llbs)
Makeup/Facepaint: None
Hairstyle(s): Hair curly around face, long to the butt, then later cut to shoulder length (Shippuden: Hair long again but in a ponytail)
Accessories: None
Scent: Um, nice?
Scars or Tattoos: Tattoo of water droplet in a fiery circle on inner left wrist (Shippuden: Tattoo of clan symbol on left shoulder and one of phoenix on right upper arm)
Jewelry and/or Piercings: None (Shippuden: Three piercings in each ear, (one at the flab of the lobe and two up top (spike earring)), A simple necklace with a cross)

Parent(s): Kimura Hasharimi and Ronyo Hasharimi -Dead
Sibling(s): None
Relative(s): Dead
Best Friend(s): Dan - Alive
Friend(s): Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kiba, Neji and others 
Sensei(s): Kakashi, Horo
Student(s): None
Crush(es)/Spouse/Bf/Gf: Sasuke - In love (Shippuden: We'll see, shall we? ;))
Rival(s): None
Enemy(ies): Him and those who work for him. (Shippuden: Also includes Akatsuki)
Pet(s): Mami - Spheonix( half sphinx, half pheonix)(more like spirit animal than pet)

Favorites/Least Favorites

Food(s): Fave(Chicken, Ramen) Least (Vegetables)
Drink(s): She doesn't care what she drinks (Shippuden: Sake)
Color(s): Black
Season(s): Winter
Time of Day: Night
Weather: Cloudy
Flower: Black rose
Animal: Hate animal

Ninja Information
Birth Village: Iwakagure
Current Village: Konoha
Academy Graduation Age: Never attended
Chūnin Promotion Age: 12
Rank: Chunin (Shippuden: Chunin but at wayyyyy higher level)
Ninja Status: new villager (Shippuden: Returnee)
Are you in the Akatsuki?: No
Bijuu [Tailed Beast]?: Ten Tails
Teammates: Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto (Shippuden: Solo)
Sensei: Horo, Kakashi
Nindo[Your ninja way!]: "I'm hungry and tired. Let's get this over with so I can sleep."
Chakra Element: Fire, Water
Weapon(s): Sword (Transformable)

[*Remembering not to Overpower my OC or she will be considered mary-sue*]

1 - 5: Horrible
6 - 8: Below average
9 - 10: Average
11 - 13: Above average
14 - 16: Talented
17 - 18: Gifted [This is Sannin level]

Strength in Jutsu
Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]: 13
Genjutsu [illusion techniques]: 7
Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]: 12
Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]: 11
Doujutsu [eye techniques]: 11
Kinjutsu [forbidden techniques]: 0
Fuuinjutsu [sealing techniques]: 0

Strength in Missions
Intelligence:[Shikamaru is a 18] :13.5 (Shippuden: 16)
Wisdom [It comes with age;Jiraiya would be at least 17]: 8 (Shippuden: 16)

Strength [Measure of your body's muscles;Kisame would be 17-18]: 6 (Shippuden: 10)
Agility [How well you can move, dodge, etc.]: 13 (Shippuden: 18)
Dexterity [How well you can aim/form seals]: 10 (Shippuden: 15)
Stamina [Chakra amount;Kisame is a 18]: 4 (Shippuden: 12)
Constitution [How well you can take a hit;Would you be a 1 hit K.O?]: 7 (Shippuden: 15)
Charisma [How social you are;Naruto is a 18]: 2 (Shippuden: 1)
Comeliness [Your attractiveness, it has to fit with your looks above]: 14 (Shippuden: 17)
Chakra Control [Important for medical ninja; Tsunade is a 18]: 10 (Shippuden: 16)
Cooperation [How well you work with other people/comrades]:  2 (Shippuden: 1)

Thank you for reading! I'm done now

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