Onwards to Kumogakure

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"Welcome everyone," the Hokage started. "There is something very important I would like to tell all of you."

"No!" I whispered under my breath, sarcasm lacing the word. Kiba nudged me in my side but when I looked up at him, he was grinning.

"Tsunade-sama!" Someone came into the room. She was pretty woman with black hair. She was holding a pig with one hand and had papers in the other. "Here they are!"

She handed the papers to Tsunade. "Thank you, Shizune" said Tsunade. "As I was saying, I've been contacted by the Raikage. They've been having some trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Neji asked.

"The Raikage has 'important business' to take care of and he needs help protecting the village and repairing it."

"Why doesn't he just use the ninjas already situated in the village?" Sasuke asked.

"You guys don't know this but there has been an attack on their village recently, much like the one on Konoha. They didn't fare as well as we did however. Many persons died."

"So they're short on shinobi," Tenten inputted.

"That's right."

"But why do they need protection? How long will he be gone?"

Tsunade folded her fingers together. "Long enough."

"This doesn't make any sense," I said. I know I was supposed to stay silent but I couldn't last any longer. "Why does the Raikage need help from us to protect the village? What is there to protect? And why were they attacked?"

"She's right," Shikamaru said. "Something doesn't add up. Was the attacker Orochimaru also?"

A vein popped up on Tsunade's forehead. "I'm the Hokage here." She sounded as if she was trying to calm herself. "Stop questioning me and let me finish!"

The chatter that had rose up in the room settled immediately. Wow, this lady was a little scary.

"As I was saying, when you arrive in Kumogakure you will be better informed on what it is you're to do since right now we are pressed for time. The teams on this mission will be Team 7 and Team 8. Horo Maken will be leading you. Horo?"

For the first time since I entered, Horo moved. He boosted himself off the wall and made his way forward, his wide berth hat covering his face and his wooden shoes making loud noises against the floor. He walked up behind Tsunade and held up a wrinkly hand.


I rolled my eyes towards the heaven. There he goes trying to be cool.

"Then why are the rest of us here?" the fat guy asked. Jeez, I really needed to learn his name.

Tsunade held out her hand and Shizune gave her another couple papers. "I have something else in store for you guys. The others, you may leave. The elders in Kumogakure are expecting you to arrive in at least three days' time so you guys better leave from now."

When no one moved, she slammed her hand on the table. "Am I talking to the damn walls here?!" she roared. Everyone, including me sadly, flinched in fear. A second past then her desk broke in two. Then crumble to the floor. I think I was out of there before the rubble even reached the ground however.

"Remind me never to get that lady upset," I said to Kiba, holding my chest in shock.

Kiba gave a shaky laugh. "She is pretty scary."

"Listen up, brats!" It was Horo. Both Team 7 and Team 8 were standing out in the hallway, having been rushed out of the room by the Wrathful Tsunade. We gathered together at Horo's call, me standing on the outskirts. I hadn't noticed that my eyes were wandering until they came to rest on Sasuke's onyx ones. They were burning into me.

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