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"Congratulations on passing the second test!"

I rolled my eyes. Can't we skip the formalities and get right to it? I still feel a bit tired. I sighed and leaned against my sword.

"Well, you're excited for passing." Kiba grinned sarcastically.

"Oh shut up. I just want to sleep. I'm tired, that's all."

"You're always tired," Naruto chirped in.

"Is that such a bad thing?"

"When you fall asleep during the middle of a fight then you'll know how bad it is." Kiba smirked at his comment.

I rolled my eyes again. "Such great advice. Too bad I don't need it." I sent him a fake smile. "But I'm sure someone else might, so why don't run along."

Kiba pouted looking contrite. "Woah okay, sorry. It was just a joke, jeesh."

I sighed and patted him in the back. "Stop sulking. You should know that I treat everyone like that by now."

"Yeah, you should have seen her when we were in the forest," Naruto said.

I gasped at him. "What are you talking about? I have been on my best behavior during the test!"

"Best behaviour? You went psyhco when we woke up for dinner! And then you went psycho for not making dinner earlier because you were starving!"

"Hey that was not my fault! You know I get cranky whenever I'm hungry or sleepy. That's just how I was made."

"Couldn't you have been made differently ...?" I heard him mutter under his breath. A vein popped up on my forehead and I cracked my knuckles, glaring at the blond boy.

"What did you just say?" I said raising my fists.

"Nothing! Nothing! I said you were perfectly made perfect in your own perfect way! You're perfect!" He waved his hands frantically to ward me off.

"I thought so," I said smiling, my dark aura disappearing. Kiba was stifling his laughter.

"Naruto you are so whipped!" he said, snickering behind his palm.

"Hey don't talk to him like that, mutt boy," I said, turning on him, my eyes narrowing to slits.

He waved his hands just as Naruto did moments before. "I'm sorry! My bad!" Naruto burst out laughing.

"Hey, you three around the back! Will you shut up?" It was the jonin talking up front. Naruto and Kiba sweat dropped and shut up immediately. I sighed, leaning on my sword again.

There weren't as much teams passing as the first test. I didn't know if that was something good, for me, or something bad. So I just tuned everything out.

I spotted Kakashi standing up front, and a small smile appeared on my lips. Dear God, the guy was gorgeous. My mind drifted off, to walks on the beach and romantic dates with a sexy silver haired beauty.


I jolted out of my daydream. It was Sakura, looking at me curiously up and down. "What are you thinking about?" she asked.

I shook my head, my hair flying around my face. "You don't need to know," I told her.

Her nose went up and she looked at me with disdain. "It better not be Sasuke."

I grinned evilly at her. "So what if it is Sasuke? What are you going to do to stop me?"

"It better not be! Sasuke's mine!"

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