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A few hours later my wound was finally closed up. It was good timing too because, had it stayed any longer, I would have passed out from blood loss. I was beginning to finally feel stronger, something I knew I was going to need when I found Sasuke.

Not too long ago I had passed Shikamaru. When I had come upon that genius and that red skinned demon girl he was fighting, I had been ready to jump in but ... well, let's just say he had it all taken care of. He had been in a genjutsu when he arrived and the girl was just about to stab him to death but then lo and behold he jumped up and punched her straight in the stomach. Turns out he had broken his finger using his shadow to get himself out of the genjutsu. So pain was a way of getting out, huh? I will have to save that knowledge for later. Might come in handy.

When he spotted me, he thought he was seeing ghosts. He just stood there with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. I had to come and close it for him. Then he started touching my face, still not believing I was there. That's when I had to slap some sense into him.

He told me that Kiba was off somewhere fighting the other Sound. I had been just about ready to run to his rescue but then he told me that Sasuke was not that way. He had been taken by some really white dude with white hair and dots in his forehead. I think it's clear who I went after. I just hope Kiba is alright.

Well, it seems like I had a problem being early. Just as I had arrived, I didn't see Naruto nor did I see that wooden crate Shikamaru told me that Sasuke was in. Instead, I saw an empty crate, the same white haired dude and Lee. Lee of all persons.

That wasn't just it either. He was staggering about the place as if wherever he put his foot was unsteady. It was as if he was drunk. And when he spoke? Well, that only further proved my drunk theory.

I couldn't turn away from the scene however, not even to go after Sasuke. This was a one in a lifetime thing. And Lee looked as if he didn't need any help. He was taking care of this thing all on his own.

But, wait wasn't he supposed to be in the hospital? I'm sure I heard something about him not being able to become a ninja anymore? Or was that all hogwash?

Ah, I don't care anymore.

I got from my seat and approached the battle slowly. When I was close enough but still a safe distance away I screamed, "Lee! Which way did Naruto and Sasuke go?!"

Lee's head turned in the direction of my voice. When he saw me he frowned, "Lea?"

Then a kick collided in his face and he went skidding. I hurried to his side.

"Not really sorry for distracting you," I said. "Now which way did they go?"

"Leaaaaaa, you're baaaaack!" He attempted to hug me but I pushed him away with my finger.

"Are you going to tell me or not? You're still in a battle."

"Hm, thata way? Or thata way?" He was pointing in the same direction each time he said 'thata way'.

I nodded. "Thanks, Lee. Beat him up real good for me, k?"


I turned in the direction he pointed.

"I will not allow you to go after Orochimaru's prize."

I turned to the white haired man behind me. "What did you just say?"

"He must go Orochimaru. Orochimaru needs his vessel. It's his life-"

"If you dare to finish that sentence, I will break you in two."

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