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Lea's POV

When I opened my eyes again the handsome silver haired man was gone. Kakashi he had called himself. The chair he had been sitting in was empty and, judging from my ability to see what was around me, it was still daylight. Or another day.

I still couldn't move. No matter how much I tried, my body didn't shift whatsoever. I sighed. What happened to me?

Why was I in this state?

Kakashi had said that I had died and came back to life but ... surely that wasn't possible...? And why couldn't I remember anything at all?

My mouth felt extremely dry and my stomach pained with hunger. I looked around and saw the same pitcher of water sitting beside my table. There was no food in sight.

There must be some way to contact the nurse. A button or something. But that would be of no use to me since I wouldn't be able to move to push it. Damn.

I pushed a loud breath of frustration out of my mouth, biting my bottom lip in thought. I was so hungry... I'm going to die again if I don't get some food in my mouth.

"Hello?" I tried calling but it only came out as a raspy whisper. I couldn't even gather enough spit in my mouth! I really was going to die again.

"Hello!" I tried calling again. This time was a little better but the effect was minimal. No one came.

"Goddamn it! Shouldn't these people be waiting on my every beck and call? Where the hell is the nurse?"

And I should really stop talking. The more words I said, the drier my mouth became and the more I felt as if I was going to dry up like a raisin. I kept my eyes on the door, cursing the nurse in my head since I couldn't do it aloud.

Finally, I heard a click. My eyes widened. Was that the nurse? Did she hear me calling her?

The door opened a crack wider, then slowly all the way. Why the hell was she taking her time? Can't she tell that I'm dying over here? Again?

The head that peaked through wasn't full of dark brown hair however, but was pink. It was a girl, around my age. She had large green eyes and pink shoulder length hair and she was staring at me with eyes wide and full of shock. I stared back at her blandly. Did she have any food with her?

She inched closer into the room and closed the door behind her. Her movements were as slow as a snail. It actually pained me to watch her make her way over to my bed, her feet trudging along and her hands raised to her lips and trembling.

Yeah, yeah. I died and came back to life. It's a miracle. Where's the food?

"L-Lea?" she whispered.

I didn't answer. Not only because my mouth was as dry as a desert but because she knew very well that I was this Lea person. Why bother to ask?

"O-oh my gosh." She sank down into the chair beside my bed as if her legs had lost all its strength. "I can't believe it. You're really ... you're really alive."

I was done playing this game. I opened my cracked, dry lips. "Wa ... wa ... ter..."

"Huh? Oh!" Alas, she knows how to move! And quickly at that! She sprang out of the chair and ran around to the other side, quickly pouring a glass of water for me. She put the glass to my lips, tilting it so it went down my throat with ease.

Ooooh, it felt like heaven on my tongue. The water was both tepid and a little weird tasting but I felt as if it was the most refreshing thing to ever enter my mouth. Well, then again, I couldn't remember anything so how could I know?

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