The Funeral

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When I awoke the rain was pouring outside my window. I knew immediately that I was in the hospital. And I knew exactly why I was there.

My encounter with Shukaku flashed through my mind. We had spoken but I knew, it wasn't me. It was the Ten Tails. So, it was technically me but I wasn't in control. We had spoken like old acquaintances. This had happened only once before and it was when he had pushed me to my very limit and the other side of me had taken over. Now it was happening again.

It took me a moment before I realized persons were in the room. I turned my head to the right to see my teammates and sensei. Sasuke and Kakashi. The last persons I wanted to see.

They were talking softly and when I moved, Sakura rushed to my side. "She's awake," she said, sitting beside me.

I sat up as everyone turned to me.

"It's about time," Kakashi said. "You've been out for two days. We were about to leave."

"Leave?" I asked. "Where to?"

This time Naruto spoke. His eyes were cast downwards and his face was sad. "The Third Hokage's funeral," he answered.

My eyes widened. That's right, I thought. Orochimaru had attacked the Third Hokage. I stared at Naruto and noticed that they were all dressed in his black. The Third Hokage's funeral...

I fell back against my pillows. "No way ..." I muttered. No way had that snake beaten the Third Hokage. That man looked as if no one could touch him; he looked as if he knew all the secrets of the world. How could he allow that snake to beat him?

"Orochimaru killed him," Sakura said, tears running down her cheek. "While we were fighting Gaara, he killed him." She broke at the end of her sentence and covered her mouth to hold back her sob. Naruto wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders and for once, she didn't push him away.

I stared at her. Just stared.

"It's almost started." Kakashi came closer. "Can you move?"

I lifted my arm and found that my bones didn't feel like lead. "Yes," I answered.

"Sakura, make sure she gets ready. We'll be waiting outside." He, Sasuke and Naruto went to the door. Sasuke left last, giving me a look. I knew that look. Can see it anywhere. He wanted answers.

Sakura lifted a hanger from God knows where and held it out to me. "Here," she said. "I picked this out for you. You have to get ready quickly or we're going to be late."

I got out of the bed. "I just can't believe it. How can the Third Hokage be dead?" I began stripping.

"I can't either, but he is. Orochimaru is extremely strong. Remember when you fought him?"

I remembered it like it was yesterday. I nodded. "He's one strong bastard. But the Third Hokage?"

"The Third Hokage was the one who taught Orochimaru so it isn't very surprising."

I paused in the process of pulling the dress up. I gave her a shocked look. "Wha?"

She gave me a look. "You didn't know? The Third Hokage was the one who taught Orochimaru, and the other two of the Three Sages."

My expression changed from shock to confusion. I pulled the dress up and turned for her to zip it up. "The Three Sages?"

Sakura made an annoyed sound. "You don't listen at all, do you? How can you not know the Three Sages? Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya."

"Doesn't ring a bell." I pulled my hair around my face. "Then that Orochimaru dude is the big deal then. The student surpassed the teacher kind of thing."

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