Welcome To Kumogakure

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Lea's POV

It felt as if I was coming up for air for the first time in a long while. My eyes fluttered open, slowly. I was moving, but I didn't know how since, my feet weren't moving. Or were they?

Slowly, I shifted my eyes downwards to check but I didn't get too far. There was a lot of hair in my face. Blue hair, sticking out at me. It looked familiar, kind of like a duck's butt.


"Lea?" The head turned and walking ceased. "Lea, are you okay?"

I recognized the voice. It broke through my haze and brought me a little closer to the surface. "Sasuke? W-what's happening?"

I saw Sasuke quickly motion with hands. Soon enough, everyone else came rushing forward, surrounding us. I didn't move. I just rested my cheek on his back and stared deadly at the worried faces in front of me.

"Lea-chan, you're awake!" Naruto shouted with glee and I swear, it was like having an excited hyena screeching down my ear. I cringed.

"Not so loud, Naruto," I whispered.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lea-chan! I'm just excited that you're awake."

I tried lifting my head but it plopped back down, heavy. "What happened to me?"

"Someone attacked you," Sakura said. "They left you suspended in the air and when we found you, you were half dead."

"Half what?" I was shocked.

"To be more specific," Horo interjected. He came forward and rested his fingers on the pulse at my neck. "You were in a death like state. From a poison called Death Fingers."

"What the ... what the hell is Death Fingers?"

"It's a poison that seeps into any liquid secreting gland it can find and shuts your body down."

I sighed. I've never felt this tired, this drained. I continued to rest my head on Sasuke's back, content and not willing to move any time soon.

"Can you walk?" Horo asked.

"No," I answered. And I wasn't about to check. I was too comfortable with Sasuke carrying me so I just closed my eyes and kept myself relaxed. I was sure I looked helpless then and there but, once again, I didn't care. I couldn't remember a time I felt this tired, just as how I could remember what had happened to me. All I could remember was a voice. A high girly voice. A very unusual voice.

My body ached. Everyone started walking again, at Horo's command. Kiba stayed behind with me and Sasuke.

"Don't ever do that again," he said. My eyes went up and locked unto his face. He was avoiding my stare, looking just a little upset. Ugh, I was not in the mood for any riddles right now.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered tiredly, closing my eyes.

"Don't get yourself hurt like that again," he said. "Don't wander off by yourself, don't talk to anyone you don't know. As a matter of fact, don't even leave my sight. That way you can be protected."

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say," Sasuke butt in. His voice sounded mocking.

"I don't recall saying anything to you, Uchiha," Kiba growled.

"Look at my face," Sasuke said, turning around. It wasn't straight as I was sure he intended it to be, but he had a bit of irritation lingering under the surface. "Does it look like I care who you were talking to?"

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