The Second Test

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"This is creepy," Naruto said. I had to agree with him. We were staring at the forest where we'll be doing our second test and fear skittered up my spine. Everyone who passed the first test were milling around the entrance, a high fence separating us from the creepy forest.

I was standing beside Sasuke and Naruto, my hand resting lightly on the hilt of my sword. Just being near the forest was making me edgy. I did not know how I was going to survive this next test.

"You'll all soon find out why it's called the Forest of Death," Anko said, grinned devilishly. I shivered.

"You're just trying to get us scared! It's not going to work," Naruto protested.

Anko kept on smiling. "Heh, you're spirited." Her next move was so fast I blinked, not sure I caught it right. She threw a kunai and it shot between me and Naruto, embedding itself in the ground behind us. We both froze in our spots.

Anko was behind poor Naruto in a flash. "Kids like you get killed easily." Her tongue came out and licked the blood that appeared from a cut on his cheek. My eyes widened, shocked. "Spraying all that blood ..."

Someone appeared behind her. His tongue stretched so long and so far and at the tip was the kunai she had thrown. My knees grew weak. I almost fainted from the sight. I covered my mouth and turned away, not able to look at it any longer.

"Here you go," the guy (girl?) said.

"Why thank you." Anko took the kunai from him.

"You okay there?" Sasuke asked me, sounding smug and mocking. I ignored the tone.

Slowly I took a breath before turning to him. I cocked my head to the side and reached out to pat his cheek. He flinched at my touch and I mentally gave myself a high five. "Don't you worry about me," I said with a wink.

I smiled at him and turned away.

Anko turned to the weird girl? (I'll just say human) "But let me just say. Don't sneak up on me unless you want to be killed."

The human-person-thing grinned. "Sorry, I just get excited when I see red blood that's all." I frowned. Naruto was looking absolutely terrified.

Sasuke came up beside me. "Something's not right here," he said.

"I was wondering if I was just imagining it," I replied.

"We'll have to watch out for that one during the test."

"You don't have to tell me twice." I squeezed my sword.

"Looks like we have a lot of bloodthirsty ones this time around," Anko said with a grin. "Listen up! Before we start, I have to pass these papers out." She held up a stack of papers. "You have to sign these."

"Why?" Neji asked.

The way she kept on smiling was beginning to bother me. "There will be death in this test. And if you don't sign these then it'll be all my responsibility. I'm going to explain the test, then you sign the papers." Then she pointed over to a booth. "And then each team will check in at that booth."

"This is a survival test," she began.

I sighed and somehow I heard someone else in the crowd sigh too. I looked to my left to see Shikamaru handing out the papers, looking absolutely bothered.

"A survival test," he said. "Oh man, what a drag." I took the paper he was handing out to me.

"Tell me about it," I said. He grinned and moved on.

"You are being asked to complete a certain task for this survival test. Using your many jutsu and weapons, you will compete in a no rules scroll battle. You will get two scrolls, heaven and earth ..."

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