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The words were barely out of his mouth good before there was a loud boom and we were blown back. The force of the explosion blew me right off my feet and I went flying with an ear splitting scream.

I flew straight into a tree and my breath was knocked right out of me and my poor fragile body couldn't handle the fall. I fell to the ground, knocking me out cold.

I awoke, after what felt like ages, with someone shaking me frantically. I opened my eyes slowly, a harsh pounding in my head. Naruto was shaking me but he was looking at something in front of him, his eyes wide.

"Ugh, what happened?" I said getting up. He didn't answer, just lifted his hand and pointed. I looked up. My heart fell straight into my stomach.

"It's huge!" Naruto exclaimed. I nodded, swallowing, unable to say anything. There was a huge white snake looming over us. And when I say huge I mean scraping the sky huge. My mouth went dry.

Suddenly the snake lunged into action. I screamed it wrapped its tail around my teammate.

"Naruto! Behind you!" I shouted. The snake was about to eat him! His jaws were so wide it could eat its own tail!

I couldn't scream anymore so I just gagged and choked when he ate my friend. "Naruto," I whispered.

"Yah! Let me out!" I heard Naruto scream.

"Naruto! Are you okay?!"

"Get me out of here, Lea-chan!"

I took a deep breath. The snake was ignoring me completely even turning around to leave as if I wasn't there. I drew my sword, getting angry.

"Hey!" It didn't turn around. "Hey!" I leapt unto its tail. I used my chakra to hold me in place as I tried cutting him with my sword.

"Take that you friend eater!" Okay, I wasn't good at name calling. My sword went deep and the thing roared. It flicked its tail and I flew back, hitting straight into the same tree I had hit before.

I stood up against the pain I was feeling. "Hey!" I shouted again. This time it turned around and came charging after me. I braced myself.

It opened its jaws trying to trap me but I ran up the tree and flipped over unto its back as it collided into the tree. I dug my sword into its back and it reared up, roaring. Or doing whatever noise a snake makes. Sounds like a roar to me.

I clung unto the hilt of my sword as it shook its body, trying to get me off.

"Spit him out!" I shouted at the snake. It was bothering me that I heard nothing from Naruto. I hope he wasn't already being digested. I drew out my sword, intending on stabbing him again but I was too slow and it shook me off. I hit the ground hard.

I struggled to my feet, rubbing the blood that had trickled from my mouth. I was barely standing straight before its bloody tail slammed into me and I went flying into another tree this time. I wouldn't be surprised if I had broken a few bones. It certainly felt like it.

I got to my feet again and faced the massive snake. "Naruto! Are you okay?!" I asked. No answer.

I gritted my teeth. I couldn't handle this myself. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" More of me appeared, looking to be about forty, and I frowned in shock. Since when could I do so many? My frown turned into a smirk.


We all leapt unto the massive snake, brandishing our swords. We sliced, cut, stabbed and even attempted to cut chunks off his little nasty scaly disgusting body. Not really little, but you get what I mean.

The snake was having none of it. It shook and spun, and my clones flew off bit by bit, disappearing with a poof and a scream. I tried to stay aboard but failed and I flew off. This landing wasn't so hard. Maybe because I was coated in snake blood.

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