The Battle

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My breath came out in pants and my stitched side pained with every breath. I held out my palm again. I had been at this chakra control thing since Kakashi left me to it and I had no idea how long I stayed out here. All I knew was that every time I attempted to perfect it, I could almost feel the energy draining away. It was at times like this I wished I was strong, or I had some form of training. I tired way too quickly.

I focused on my palm. Soon, the familiar sight of my blue chakra formed in my hand, and I struggled to shape it into the flat spiral form. My chakra trembled and wobbled and then, like a blub going out, it disappeared.

"Argh!" I cried in frustration, stomping my foot. Why was it so hard for me?

"What did the ground ever do to you?"

I whirled around, shocked. A shadow lingered at the edge of the moonlight, its face hidden. Slowly, the shadow came forward and I came eye to eye with Sasuke.

I straightened up, wiping the shock off my face as soon as it had come. "What are you doing out here?" I asked.

He came forward, his hair looking very blue in the night's light. He had his hands in his pocket, his signature pose. "The real question is, what are you doing out here?"


"So late? You look like you need some sleep."

I frowned slightly. "Don't worry about me and leave me alone."

Instead of listening to me, he came forward. "Want a sparring partner?"

I waved him off. "No need. I'm perfectly alright on my own."

He chuckled. "Why don't I believe that?"

"Are you calling me weak?"

"Your words, not mine."

"Not everyone can be like cool Mr. Ice Sasuke, you know?"

He nodded his head, accepting my words. "That's right, not everyone can be like me."

I turned my back to him, not sure why I was standing there talking to him when I could be using the time to continue practicing. I had no intention of taking a rest until I got this chakra thing down. I was aware that Sasuke was still watching me but I blocked him out.

My chakra, like before, disappeared with a wispy poof.

"I suggest you work on that," Sasuke's mocking voice sounded behind me. I whirled on him, frustrated that I couldn't get it right and not appreciating his presence one bit.

"Can't you find someone else to bother? Like Naruto, maybe?"

"Everyone's asleep. If you haven't noticed it's almost dawn."

"Then go gloss your hair, or sharpen you kunai or something. Just leave me alone."

Sasuke scoffed. "I don't gloss my hair." He looked at me thoughtfully. "Tell you what. I'll leave you alone if we spar. You win, I'm out of your hair. I win, I stay whenever I want."

I sighed. Somehow I knew that if I said yes, it would not end well for me. Call it a self-confidence issue, but considering how tired I was (I could barely keep my eyes open) and how inexperienced and weak I was, I knew that I would be the one to pay. So I used my head.


He looked shocked. "No?"

"Yes, no. I'm not stupid. I can barely stand straight and I'm seeing two of you. You really think I'm going to duel with you in that condition?"

I walked up to him and patted his shoulder.

"If you did, you're dumber than I thought."

I walked away, glad I had had the last words.

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