With Eyes Wide Open

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Lea's POV

Wake up...

Wake up...

A voice, I wasn't sure whose, was whispering to me. Who the hell was that and why was she whispering?

"Visiting hours are over."

"Really? Okay."

Yes, leave. Whoever that was, was annoying as hell. I was trying to sleep here!

The darkness that had been fading from my eyes clouded over me again and I disappeared. Where I went, I had no idea. I just knew that something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. I shouldn't be here.

But it was peaceful nonetheless. This was the most comfortable sleep I've ever had. No one trying to get me out of bed, no sun, no anything. Just blackness. Maybe I should be a little concerned but it was too much bliss to worry about anything.

"Hey there, little lady."

Who the hell was that now?

"You look a little hungry over there." There was a chuckle. "Here you go. Your breakfast for the day. You know they say that this is the most important meal of the day but I guess, in your state you won't be going out for any dumplings, am I right?"

My state? What was this lady talking about?

She sighed. "You poor thing. I knew this would happen to you. Well, not specifically this - I mean - how is this even possible."

I opened my eyes. It felt weird, having all that light in my eyes suddenly. It felt as if I hadn't been in the light for years. But that couldn't be right.

My eyes slowly opened up more until I was able to see who was speaking. It was a nurse with a needle and she was injecting some sort of liquid into a tube to my left. She was unaware of the fact that I was looking at her.

"You are one special case, I'll tell you that," she rambled on. "That weird looking cat you have hanging around you all the time. Your weird power. Now this. I'm not completely sure what's up with you but I sure am glad I'm not you."

She finally finished injecting whatever it was she was injecting. She placed the empty injection tube on the end table beside me and turned to my bed. She began tucking the sheets in around me, still completely unaware that I was staring at her.

"I remember the first time we spoke. I had been trying to warn about that Uchiha boy and all those girls he had chasing after him. A boy with a face like that won't stay faithful, no siree. You didn't listen to me though and look where it got you. You're lying unconscious in a bed and that Uchiha boy just upped and left the village, leaving all those girls behind. He has all his friends out looking for him! Tsk tsk, what an unruly little boy that one."

She continued tucking away, rambling on and on about this Uchiha kid. My eyes never left her face. Soon, she made her way up to my neck and she pulled the sheet up and around to secure it properly. Her eyes caught mine, shifted away absentmindedly then froze.

Slowly, they found their way back to my face. Her eyes widened in horror and she staggered back from the bed. I just watched her.

"You ... you're awake ..." Her voice was soft and filled with shock. A trembling hand made its way to her lips. "You're finally ..."

She never did get to finish that sentence. It looked as if it had finally hit her then and there and she dashed out of the room like a madman was on her heels.

Took her long enough to leave. She had been seriously messing with my sleep.

I closed my eyes again, then opened them. Where in the hell was I?

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