The Two Stooges

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"Naruto, you baka!"

"Who are you calling baka, mutt boy?!"

"K-Kiba-kun, that's mean."

"You never take my side, Hinata-san!"

"That's because she knows I'm right!

"Sasuke-kun, the sun is so hot, isn't it? Want me to shade you?"

"Leave me alone, Sakura."

"But, Sasuke-kun..."

"Can't you all just shut the hell up?" I bellowed. They all stopped at once. I popped one eye open then sat up fully. They had been talking nonstop since I had decided to take a short nap and now all my fatigue was gone. Now, I was just plain annoyed.

"Did we wake you?" Hinata asked tentatively. Normally, I would talk to her gently since she was fragile but I hated being woken up and my annoyance only grew at her question.

"No!" I said with a whole bout of sarcasm. "I woke up shouting so that I could enjoy the damn scenery."

"You shouldn't be sleeping anyway," Horo said from ahead.

My brow rose. "Oh you can tell me what I can or cannot do now, old man?"

"As a matter of fact, I can tell you what to do. I'm the leader of this group and what I say goes."

I didn't answer. I didn't find the need to. He knew exactly what I was thinking so voicing it didn't make much of a difference.

Suddenly, a prick appeared on the back of my neck. My hand shot upwards in confusion but there was nothing there. The prick didn't go away though.

"Something wrong?" Mami asked.

"Someone's watching me. I can feel it. I just don't know where it's coming from."

Mami's tail flicked behind me. "Are you sure it isn't dog boy or broody eyes over there? Because they have been watching you for a while now."

"No, I know they've been watching me and it's not them. It's something much more dangerous. I can feel it."

The prick grew insistent. I glanced behind me, checking the trees of anyone else. I saw nothing and of course, I heard nothing due to the excess chattering surrounding me.
Focus Lea. There's something following us. Focus and figure out where it is.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out and blocking out all the talking. A slow calm flooded over me. The talking faded into the background but I could hear everything else.

A bird chirped. A centipede ran over a fallen leaf. Mami's fur ran softly over my skin and I could feel it tangling with my own.

Focus Lea.

I was already in tuned with the chakra of the others but there was someone else around. One I didn't recognize.

I zeroed in on it. It was a couple meters behind us, shielded by a tree.

Wait... there's two of them...

And the other...!

"Look out!!!"

I sprang from Mami's back knocking Hinata and Sakura out of the way as an explosion sounded behind us, blowing up the very spot I had just occupied.

I covered their heads to protect them from the bits of falling rock.

Looking up, I noticed Kiba, the bug guy and Sasuke was standing in a tree, a safe distance away. Naruto was hanging from the same branch they were standing on.

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