The Chunin Exams

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The days passed and everything was normal. Since I had arrived back in Konoha, I had spent everyday training with my team and Kakashi. I even took breaks when night fell and hung out with the other genins. I had to admit, they were sort of cool. I had even completely forgotten that I was supposed to be keeping my guard up in case someone called me out, but I was just too comfortable. Why didn't everyone live here? Konoha was awesome.

I walked a little behind the others as we headed over to the training area. Despite my previous claims, I still didn't talk up and act friendly like everyone else. It just wasn't in my nature.

Sasuke, Kiba, Naruto and Sakura was walking in front of me. Naruto and Kiba were arguing as they usually were. I had grown used to it by now. It was just how the communicated. Hinata was silent, but once in a while she would speak up and tell Kiba to stop. I had always wondered why she always took Naruto's side. At first I thought it was because she didn't like Kiba but I quickly ruled that one out. Sakura was jumping from hanging unto Sasuke, or trying to, and telling the two loudmouths to shut up.

Sasuke was silent, walking with his hands in his pocket. Since the day we had had our conversation in the forest at the hidden mist and he had ran off, Sasuke hadn't said a word to me. Now and then, when we were sparring or just training, I would touch him accidentally. He would immediately draw back and if I were at point A, he was at point Z.

"Lea-chan! Tell Kiba I'm a stronger fighter! Everyone knows it."

I sighed, knowing sooner or later they would drag me into it.

Kiba laughed. "Ha! Baka! Lea won't lie. C'mon Lea, tell him the truth. Break his little heart."

"I'd rather not, thank you very much."

"Ha! That meant she thought I was stronger."

Naruto crossed his arms. "No it doesn't! Lea-chan's my rival, of course she would say that."

"Then why bother drag me into this in the first place?"

"Well - You know ..."

"I don't know but luckily for you I don't care." I walked a little faster, intending to past them and go on my way. Unfortunately for me, Kiba wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I passed.

"Face it, Naruto," he said, turning back to look at him. "She practically said I was stronger. Not that I need her confirmation, but..."

He laughed and Akamaru yapped. As soon as I heard the wretched sound I jerked back, as if his hand had begun to burn. He looked at me weirdly.

"Keep that thing away from me," I said, pointing to Akamaru. Akamaru whimpered and Kiba rubbed him down, trying to console him.

"It's okay, boy. She doesn't know how to treat both people and dogs well, that's all. Don't take it personally."

"No, Akamaru," I said. "You should take it personally. I hate dogs."

"It's not like your allergic or anything," Kiba muttered under his breath.

I smiled a small smile. Hinata and Sakura giggled and I smiled at them. Hinata, surprisingly, smiled back. She was really nice, when you got past the 'barely talks and whispers everything when she does' part. She kept walking, her head down as usual and collided into something big.

I rushed to her. I didn't help her, Kiba and Naruto was already taking care of that. I just stood and asked, "Are you okay?"

She nodded, mute. The thing she collided into turn around.

"Oi! Watch where you're going, will ya?" I looked at him. He was tall, paint all over his face. He had a on a black shirt hoodie and his headband was attached to the top. I didn't recognize the symbol. Behind him, the thing Hinata had walked into, was bandaged wrapped, the only thing showing was what looked like a tuft of brown hair.

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