Ten Tails

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"That's weird," I said as Horo walked away.

I stared down at the little kitten and frowned. A kitten with wings ... what sort of animal was that? It trembled and meowed a little before disappearing with a poof. It was after it was gone that I noticed that I hadn't been creeped out by it. I hadn't felt like getting as far away from the animal like I did for others.

I had felt connected...

"Oh well." I shrugged it off. Maybe it was because I knew it was a wee little thing that couldn't hurt me, even if it wanted to.

"You again," came a voice behind me.

I turned. I wasn't sure who I was expecting it to be but it was definitely not Gaara. He was standing a distance away from me, his hands folded. His face was devoid of any emotion and I briefly remembered how he had reacted to me talking to him at the prelims.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, facing him completely.

He came forward, each step slow and deliberate. The closer he came the more I could see sand floating around him.

"It's interesting watching you that's all." He stopped before he reached me fully. I noticed that there was a good ten steps between us.

"You were watching me?"

"I would have never thought that you were afraid of frogs." He smirked at me and I raised a brow.

"There are many things I afraid of. Not that it really matters."

He blinked. "Doesn't it? That could be a real advantage in battle."

I shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me."

A hint of a smile appeared on his lips but then he frowned. Then the frowned grew more and more. "I- I don't know why ..." he started.

I frowned at him. "You don't know why what?" I asked him.

He stared at me as if he couldn't figure me out and I stared back. Who wouldn't? This guy was ... different.

"I don't know why," he said again. "Who - what are you?"

"What kind of question is that?"

He shook his head. "I mean ... you feel ... different."

I nodded. "No one is the same, Gaara."

As soon as I said his name he fell to the ground, clutching his head. I rushed to him. He let out a growl of pain.

"Are you okay? What's happening to you?" I asked him. This was just like the time at the prelims. Instead of backing away horrified, like last time, I knelt before him, concerned. Which I found weird, but decided not to question it at the moment.

He let out another shout of pain and I grabbed his arm. "Gaara? What's wrong? Tell me what's wrong."

"I ... you ... argh!" Gaara screamed and doubled over. I caught him and pulled him back upright.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" I asked him, terrified for him now. I had no idea what was happening to him.

He shook his head violently. "No! No ..." Slowly, he began to calm. His hands fell from his head and his body stopped shaking.

I held my breath. Was it over? "Gaara?"

His head shot up and his eyes caught mine. They were red, exactly like Naruto's when he was fighting Orochimaru.

I had absolutely no time to ask him or even wonder about it however before he surged forward and his lips connected with mine.

I froze, shocked. My eyes were as wide as saucers and the only thing going through my head was: What the hell was happening?

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