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"Do you really have to leave?"

I looked over at Mami. "Yes, Mami. It's my only choice. I'm dangerous here."

"Okay, okay. I get why you have to leave, but why go there? Why not go somewhere else?"

"And you don't think he'll just come after me again?"

"Then run!"

"I'm tired of running."

"I don't like this at all!" She plopped down on the bed.

I smiled at her then continued writing. "I know you don't but just bear with me okay?"


I chuckled. I was writing my final farewell note. I was not going to leave without saying anything. That was just too rude. Not after all the great times I had with these guys.

I put the final '-Lea' on the last paper then rose, gathering them all. I turned to Mami. "You ready?"

She sighed and got off the bed. "Yeah, I am."

I pushed my hands through the bag straps, then I proceeded to put each farewell note into an envelope.

"To save time, I'm just going to leave them all with Sakura. I wrote the names on the envelope so she knows who to give them to."

"What are you going to do? Sneak into her room?"

"Yeah, what else?"

I stuffed the envelopes in my bag and climbed aboard Mami. Then she jumped out of the window and headed to Sakura's house. It was rather easy to sneak into her bedroom. She was sleeping in the corner and so I left the envelopes on a table where I knew she would see it. Then I came back out.

It was the darkest time of the night when Mami and I left the village. I didn't even look back when I did. I knew that if I did it will make it harder to leave. So, I kept my head straight, hoping that my farewell notes will be enough.

To Sakura, you have been a constant annoyance to me since the day we first met and I saw you crawling all over Sasuke. But then you grew on me and before I knew it, we became friends. I don't know how it happened either but now that I'm gone, I will miss you. I'm not coming back by the way, and no I'm not going after Sasuke.

To Shikamaru, you lazy bum you. We identify with each other. Lazy and lazy. Smart and ... well, I'm not an idiot. Keep saying stuff about women however and it doesn't matter how far I am, I will come and knock you upside the head. Have a good life. Say hi to Temari for me.

To Choji, slow down when you're eating man, you're going to get indigestion. Don't forget what I told you. Always be you. Fatty, skinny, doesn't matter. Too bad I'm too far away for you to go crazy at me calling you fat huh? Hope your life is filled with cooked meat.

To Tenten, I have to say I'm going to miss hearing you nag me sometimes. But I guess every child grows up and leaves the nest, huh? Guess this is me leaving the nest. Keep Lee under control, will you? P.S. don't let him have any more sake.

To Lee, slow down will you, you're going to wear yourself out. Yeah, you might not think it's possible for you but trust me, one day you will. Sadly, I won't be around to tell you I told you so. Keep Neji's company, will you? He'll be lonely without me.

To Neji, hey lonely boy! Give me some expression man, jeez. Tell you what, when we meet again, I'll make sure to tell you all the sorrys I owe you. Deal?

To Hinata, who knew we would become friends? You're so quiet and timid and I'm so angry all the time. Weird combination. Yet, here we are. You're gonna have to speak up some time, girl, or Sakura's going to swipe Naruto from right underneath you. Man up!

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