Team with Potential

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Team 7 was ... okay, I wasn't sure how I could describe them. I stood staring at them, my confusion building with each moment that passed by. Kakashi stood beside me, one hand in his pocket and a book in the other. He looked so caught up in it. I suspected he was used to his team's antics by now.

It would seem everyone in this village was facially - and physically, I would suspect - appealing. Even Sakura, with her long pink hair and her big green eyes. She was dressed so girly and cute, her pink dress complemented her well. I looked down at my boring brown drab and grimaced.

"Sasuke-kun," she purred, her eyes turning dewy with affection. "Sasuke-kun, what's the matter? Are you okay?"

Sasuke didn't even glance at her. He just continued to stare out into the distance, his eyes remaining cold and dark. He looked terrifying to be honest. There was something about him that wasn't right. But then who was I to judge?

Naruto sprang up from the ground, clutching his stomach. "Sakura-chan! Sakura-chan, I don't feel well."

Sakura turned around with fire in her eyes. "I don't care Naruto!" Then she looked back at Sasuke, her eyes taking on the same dreamy look.

"But, Sakura-chan ..." Naruto whined. Sakura moved so fast I almost missed it. She pounded Naruto in the head.

"Shut up Naruto!"

I didn't know what to say or do, so I just stood there watching this all happen. Naruto rubbed his head, muttering to himself. Sakura seemed to have heard him and started shouting. I winced when Naruto shouted back. Did everyone have to be so loud?

Sasuke looked at me and our eyes made four. His expression didn't change and neither did mine. My face remained blank and impassive as I stared at him. His dark eyes seemed to have gotten even more intense and I suppressed a shudder. Something was definitely wrong with him.

Kakashi shut his book, cutting our staring contest short.

"Okay," he said with a clap of his hands. He took three bells from his pocket. They jingled when he held them up. "You're goal is to take these bells from me before time is up."

Sakura put up her hand. "Um, Kakashi sensei?"

"Yes, Sakura?"

"There are only three bells and four of us," she observed.

Kakashi gave her his closed eyed smile. "Very observant of you, Sakura." She beamed from the compliment. "That's right. There are three bells and four of you. Which means one of you won't get one. And those who don't have the bell by noon, won't get lunch. I'll tie you to that post over there." He pointed to a wooden stump to the left. "And the one who doesn't get the bell has to watch while everyone else eats."

Naruto's stomach grumbled, almost as if it were on cue. He clutched it, his face made up. "That's why you said we couldn't eat."

"That's right." Kakashi attached the bells to his waist. "But that's not all. Whoever doesn't get the bell, goes back to the academy."

His words descended on my new teammates and a tension ensued. I looked around at them, confused. "So?" I asked.

"If we go back to the academy, we lose our headbands and we will have to wait to retake the test." Her voice was serious. I took her words in. I guess losing your headband was a serious thing.

"If you intend on using weapons," Kakashi continued. "You won't succeed unless you come at me with the intent to kill."

Those words shocked me. He wanted us to try and kill him? I frowned slightly. Judging by the easy way he said it, he didn't look at all scared. His rank was probably way, way above ours. I gritted my teeth. He was serious. If I wanted a bell, I would have to come at him with all I have. No matter that I had no training whatsoever. They didn't know that.

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