Choji and Jirobo

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"Do you even have any idea where we're supposed to go?"

I glanced over at Mami as I stepped over a high root. I shrugged. I had absolutely no idea really. Running away from the hospital had been a spur of the moment thing. I hadn't even stop to think which direction they had taken off or even to find out before I left.

Well, I guess it can't be helped.

"I don't know," I replied with a shrug. "I guess we'll just have to wander around until we find any traces of familiar chakra."

"Do you even know who went after him?"

I cocked my head to the side, thinking. "I know Naruto did. And Kiba, I think. Maybe Hinata? I don't know, Mami. We'll just have to continue walking until we buck up on someone."

Mami released a loud sigh. "This is going to take forever, I just know it."

"Hey, I needed to get out of that place anyway. Any longer and they would have realized that I regained my memory."

"So? After they find out you regained your memory then won't they just let you go?"

"Orrrrrr ... they would interrogate me to find out how I came back and if I knew anything."

"Then you would just lie and act as if you don't. I don't see what the problem is. You're a wiz a lying through your teeth."

"It's bothersome, that's all. And besides, all those other lies were just to make sure I was safe in Konoha. If no one knew who I was then they won't know what I can do."

"But they knew who you are now."

"They just know where I came from. Not who I am."

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore because now he knows where you are, anywhere you are. They aren't the threat anymore."

"Which is exactly why I need to leave." I gave a low sigh, pushing my hands into my pockets. "He won't stop until he gets me and he'll strike down everything in his path."

"Don't worry, I won't let that happen."

I gave a short laugh. "Thanks but you don't know the power he holds. Trust me, you're no match."

"Then what are you going to do?" She glances over at me curiously but I avoided her stare.

"I ... I haven't thought about it yet, jeez, stop asking me. Right now, I just want to focus on finding that blue haired knucklehead who decided to run away from the village and have his friends chasing him like a bunch of kids!"

"Woah there ..."

"Damn it, what the hell is wrong with that guy? I mean, yeah he wants revenge and all but why he gotta run away from the village to get stronger?"

I kicked a stone in my anger. Mami stopped along with me, looking at me, while I stared at the ground trying to tamper down the anger that rose up in me. Seriously, what was wrong with that guy? Didn't I matter to him?

Oh yeah ... he thought I was dead.

Remembering that made the anger drain away somewhat. I sighed again. "C'mon."

We started off again but we didn't get far before there was a loud crash. The ground shook beneath us.

"What the-!" I grabbed unto Mami's fur in my failed attempt to not topple over. It didn't work however and my butt made an uncomfortable collision with the ground.

"What the hell was that?" I asked Mami, who had managed to stay upright by sinking her claws into the ground. Her hair was standing on end.

"I don't know but .... Do you feel that?"

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