Set Up

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That face haunted me even while I was unconscious and I woke with a start. The first thing I noticed was that it was dark, so dark that even with my eyes open I was virtually blind. My body still had the after effects of being paralyze and so, it took extra effort to move my hand, then my legs then struggle to my feet.

I pushed myself up against the wall, leaning heavily since I couldn't quite hold my own weight as yet, and waited impatiently for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I needed to get out of here. I needed to find some way to escape this place and get back to the others. I wasn't about to allow them to just take me back like that. There were people waiting for me, a life I had created. I was not about to let all that be ripped away from me.

When I thought I was strong enough I tried walking but, that wasn't the case. I was still too weak and so I fell to the ground. My eyes finally adjusted, somewhat to the darkness, and I could see a little clearly what was around me.

I was in a cell. There were four dreary walls surrounding me and, in the wall in front of me, there was a small opening that could be slid aside. Other than that small piece of contact to the outside, separated by tiny cell bars on my side by the way, I was isolated. I didn't know if there were any more cells around me, it was dead silent.

I tried listening for any sounds but there was nothing. It was as if I was alone in the whole world. That wasn't sitting well with me.

I struggled to my feet again and, this time, I got up without the support of the wall. I tried putting one foot before the other, moving forward and, in what felt like years, I finally made it across the room.

I banged on the metal door. "Let me out of here!!" I bellowed, creating a ruckus. "Saiko you damn crazy witch! You better let me out of here before I tear this place down brick by brick!!!"

"He said you were pretty docile the last you were here." The opening in the door slid to the side and I was staring into Saiko's arrogant brown eyes. Even without seeing her mouth itself, I could tell she was smirking. "Well, I guess it was all that morphine. Now I know why they found the need to subdue you."

I glared at her. "Because of my wonderful nature?"

"Because you're too feisty for your own good, that's why. You're disturbing the other inmates."

Well, that answered my question of whether I was alone or not. "How many of us are you keeping here?"

"Oh, no. There's only one of you. The rest are just some guys with pretty nice abilities, nothing close to what you can do, sadly."

"What the hell do you intend on doing with these people? They didn't do anything."

Saiko looked as if she was quickly getting bored of the conversation. "You're preaching to the wrong choir, girl. I don't call the shots around here. He does."

I quickly got scared but as soon as it came I pushed it aside. I wasn't the same girl who ran away in what seemed like so long ago. I've grown. I'm not going to be the same girl that had ran at the very sound of Zabuza's voice. If I had to fight my way out of here, I would.

"Well, he sure got you wrapped around his little finger," I said with a smirk, trying to draw her out.

Saiko didn't look bothered. "I am. He's my master. I would give my life for him in the span of a second. And soon, when you find out what his cause is, you will too."

I scoffed. "Not likely. That man is crazy."

Saiko shrugged. "You'll see. He called for you anyway. I don't know why I'm sitting here talking to you."

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