The Walk of Shame

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The sun spilled in through the uncovered windows and threatened to burn my eyelids open. Slowly, and unwillingly, I opened my eyes. I could still feel exhaustion lingering in the back of my eyes but I knew, with this infernal sun, there was no more hope of sleep for the day.

Sighing softly, I sat up, facing the window. Today was a surprisingly beautiful day. Already I could hear the chatter from down below, as vendors and other villagers prepared to make the most of the day. The same couldn't be said of me however. I intended to stay locked up in my room and spend the day resting.

I was just about to crawl out of bed when I noticed something else in my bed, Or rather, someone. Looking over, my eyes widened.

It was Sasuke!

He was lying down, sleeping soundly, his body facing me. What was he doing here? How the hell did he get into my apartment? How creepy! He just broke in and fell asleep beside me?

I took up my brush from the nightstand, the same one I had threw at Mami, and prepared to clobber him with it. Then it all come rushing back to me.

Running away from Sakura.

The challenge.

Those words.

My hurt.

My tears.

Horrified, I dropped the brush. Oh no. Oh freaking no. What had gotten in to me? Are you dumb, Lea? Not only must you have looked exactly like what he accused you of, but then you cried? You freaking cried? This was not happening...

Embarrassment washed over me. I don't cry. I never cry. Not since a long time ago. Sasuke should not have been able to make me cry. But he did. And it seems, I've cried more times in Konoha, in front of Sasuke, than I have done in my whole life. Counting, this was the ... third time, right? Three times too much. What was this dude doing to me?

I looked down at him. This was one of the rare chances to see Sasuke completely off guard. His face was peaceful and it brought a smile to my lips. Then as soon as I noticed it, I wiped the damn thing off.

Sasuke's mouth was closed but I could hear him breathing. He was curled slightly, his hands out in front of him and, looking at them, I remembered how I had fell asleep holding on to it.

My whole body felt hot.

His eyes fluttered open. After a moment, they shifted to me. "Lea?"

He must be seeing how horrified and scared I looked. I quickly tried to school my expression but I don't think I succeeded. So instead, I cleared my throat. "G-good morning, Sasuke."

He sat up, confused. "What's with you?" he asked.

"Nothing! Nothing at all! I-I'm just surprised, that's all."

"Surprised about what?"

"You," I said honestly. "What are you still doing here?"

He blinked at me, then looked away, his face red. Funny. He looked how I felt. "You asked me to stay with you because you were scared. Don't you remember?"

"Yeah, I remember. But I thought you would have left and gone back home during the night. I didn't expect you to stay until morning."

"I fell asleep, Lea." After a moment, he said, "Besides, it's not as if there was anyone waiting for me when I got home."

He said that last part with a bit of bitterness, and a dash of resignation. I frowned at him. "What do you mean?"

Sasuke turned his back to me. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it. What about you? Are you okay?"

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