Neji and Kidomaru

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I pushed what I had said to Mami out of my head. I couldn't focus on that right now. Yeah, I felt bad, but that feeling only lasted a moment before slipping away. I had no time to feel bad. Sasuke was still on the loose.

But who knew Choji could fight like that? His chakra was off the scales! It almost completely overpowered that creepy red dude back there. And he had become skinny! Did that happen because of all that extra chakra he had suddenly released?

Well, he did defeat that guy with the creepy chakra so everything was good. Except for the fact that Choji was probably half dead beside a tree. I hope Mami got there with the medical ninjas on time.

I pumped my legs faster, my anxiousness building as I went along. I couldn't help but feel something was horribly wrong.

Am I even going the right direction?

I came to a sudden halt on the branch of a tree, holding on to the bark to keep from toppling over the next side. I stood and sighed, looking around me. I had no idea where the hell I was supposed to go next.

"To the left..." I muttered. "Or to the right...? Straight ahead? Oh my gosh, where the hell am I supposed to go?"

I turned to the left and there was my answer. There was an arrow carved into the bark of the tree of the branch I was standing on.

"What the ..."

My fingers traced the arrow carved into the tree. Shikamaru must have carved this arrow to tell Choji where to go. He didn't even know that Choji was...

Oh sigh.

I turned in the direction of the arrow and sprang off, pushing all thoughts out of my head to focus on only one thing. On only one person.

"Hehe, he doesn't stand a chance."

I paused. Who was that?

"Serves him right for thinking he could stand up against me. Me! One of the Four sounds! He's just a little brat."

No, really who was that? One of the Four Sounds? Was that one of the persons who took Sasuke?

Damn it, there was four of them? So, I had to get pass three more of those red skinned demon looking guys before I got to Sasuke? Damn.

Who was he talking about though?

I turned and headed in the direction of the voice. He wasn't very far. Hidden among the branches, I spotted someone, legs spread wide, holding a bow in his hand.

"Hehe, this will give him the final blow," he said. "He can barely stand as it is."

Who was he talking about?

The guy chuckled again, turning his head to the side and I finally got a good look at him. I wish I hadn't though. He was ugly.

As I expected, he had that horrible red skin but that was just the beginning. When he had turned, I saw that he had three eyes. Three nasty looking eyes, two where they should be and one extra one in his forehead. I guess it was fitting given the fact that he was sporting six arms. With an extra horn growing above his third eye, he was much uglier than that last guy. He looked like a damn spider.

My skin crawled.

The man chuckled again, this time readying his bow. I didn't see any arrows though so...?

"These Konoha brats are nothing to me!" he boasted, laughing. My eyes widened. Konoha brats? Who exactly was he fighting?

"Hehe, and here I was thinking that I would get a good fight from a member of the famous Hyuuga clan. Ha! That boy will disgrace his family."

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