That Stupid Word

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Woah, Sasuke. I was feeling major, major hate emanating off him. It was enough to fill the entire hotel. I stared at him, my mouth hanging open and my face full of confusion. Naruto wore the exact same look as he stared at Itachi and Sasuke.

"Hey, it's you again!" Kisame's voice rang through the silence. I looked over at him to see him smirking and waving at me. My lip curled in disgust.

"Don't call to me as if we are friends," I snarled at him. I don't know where my confidence came from but just seeing him made my disgust grow more than my fear.

"You're a feisty little lady, aren't you? That's quite fine. I like when they struggle." He lifted his sword up on his shoulder, his sharp teeth winking at me. "So, is it next time yet?"

"Oh you would just love that wouldn't you?"

"As a matter of fact, I would. I practically dream of chewing on your feeble little bones after I snap you like a twig."

I made a small smirk, looking him up and down. "Hey, I'll take these feeble little bones over your hideous monster body any time, any day."

Kisame didn't look fazed. He just kept on grinning until he finally turn his attention to Sasuke. "Woah, he has eyes just like yours," he said to Itachi. "How comes?"

Itachi's face was cool and devoid of any emotion as usual. "He's my younger brother," he replied.

Kisame looked honestly surprised. So did Naruto, for that matter. Sasuke just looked plain angry. I released a silent sigh and leaned on the wall beside me, crossing my arms. I was feeling my tiredness again.

"But I thought the whole clan died out?" Kisame asked. "They were killed ... by you."

My eyes opened wide. My head shot up and I zeroed in on Itachi. He killed his whole clan? What kind of monster does that to his own family? And leave his younger brother to suffer?

Slowly, my eyes drifted over to Sasuke. He was just like me...

Something stirred inside me. My heart felt weird. What's happening to me? Why did I suddenly feel so different? And why were tears coming to my eyes? I quickly dashed them away and came off the wall. I wrung my neck from side to side, flexing my muscles. Judging from the situation, there was going to be a fight. I could almost guarantee it.

As if Sasuke could hear my very thoughts, he erupted into a loud roar. His face was full of rage.

"I've waited forever for this!" he exclaimed as his hand sparked up. I recognized the jutsu immediately. It was that Chidori Sakura had told me about.

I stepped back, allowing him space to do as he pleased. Not for one second did I think Sasuke could take Itachi, but I was sure if I came in right now, he would never forgive me.

Sasuke slammed the Chidori into the wall and charged after Itachi, still releasing his battle cry. He moved fast but Itachi was like lightning. In a split second, he grabbed Sasuke's hand, directing the Chidori away from him, and the blast tore through several walls. I blinked. Well, that was fast.

I had held back but apparently Naruto didn't think of it. He saw his friend in trouble and he immediately tried helping. He clasped his hand together.

"Ninpou: Kichiso -"

"Too late!" Kisame swung his sword around.

"Crap! Crap! What's going on? Why can't I feel any chakra?" Naruto tried again but nothing happened.

"My Samehada eats chakra." Kisame came closer to the blond boy. I straightened up. I may be able to allow Sasuke and Itachi to fight it out but no one was going to touch Naruto. "So," Kisame said. "Now that you can't do any jutsu, should I cut off your leg or just an arm?"

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