• 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥

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Y/n = your name

Dating secretly Bucky Barnes wasn't easy to hide, you always wanted to cuddle with him but you couldn't since the Avengers were here. You decided to mess with your boyfriend a bit.

You looked for him and saw him speaking with Steve. You smiled and thought about what you could do. After about five minutes of intense researches, you had an idea.

You carefully walked behind him and jumped on his back. "Woah woah what's happening." Said Bucky catching you so you wouldn't fall on the ground. You wrapped your legs around his middle and he held them.

"Well hello y/n." Greeted Steve slightly confused but amused by your behaviour. You waved at him and smiled. "Hi Steve! How are you today?" You said happily. "I'm good and you? I see that your using my best friend's back to carry you."

"I'm doing great thanks! Bucky carried me a couple of time and he's doing an amazing job so I'm gonna stay for a while." Bucky laughed.

"And you're not gonna do anything to stop her? What did she do so you would accept this?" Asked Steve still laughing. "I mean look at her, I can't say no to an angel." Your cheeks took a red shade.

"Angel huh?" Replied the blond man raising an eyebrow; smirking. Bucky friendly slapped his shoulder. "Anyway, why did you come here doll? Do you need anything?" Asked your secret boyfriend.

"I need you." You answered; wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder. Bucky's cheeks turned into a crimson colour.

"You know what? I'm gonna leave you two alone." Said a smirking Steve leaving the room. You got down of his back and hugged him. "I need affection." You mumbled in his chest. He chuckled and stroked your hair.

"How about cuddling on the couch?" Proposed Bucky. You nodded and excitedly took his hand in yours. You sat on the couch and immediately rested your head on his lap.

Bucky started to play with your hair and you hummed in content. You loved when he did that, it was just so pleasing. "Honey?" You said. "Mhm?" You looked at his icy blue eyes. "I love you." He smiled at your words. "I love you too angel."

"I KNEW YOU WERE TOGETHER!" Yelled Steve and Nat, jumping from the back of the couch. You flinched and fell on the floor. "Sorry-" Said Nat stiffening a laugh. "Ouch." You groaned.

"She literally fell for you." Said Steve. "Did it hurt?" Asked Bucky. "When I fell from the sky? No don't worry." You replied. Bucky busted out laughing. "I didn't meant it in that way. Are you hurt, but like right now?"

Your mouth opened in shame. "My pride is hurt." You got up and everyone laughed.

The end

Short imagine again but I hope you liked it :)

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