Chapter 23: Reputation

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My mind started coming to the front, sleeping pressed behind me when I heard a gentle woman's voice. "Caroline? Sweety, are you awake?"

I groaned a yawn, still feeling like I could sleep ten more hours.

The woman's voice turned demanding. "Caroline, you wake up right now." A tight squeeze at my hand.

I began to smile recognizing the voice and grumbled. "Go away Catherine."

A man's chuckle made me open my tired eyes.

I looked over Catherine and standing behind her was Blake. "Blake?" Not William.

"Hey Caroline," he gave a soft smile. "You feeling okay?"

"Where's William?"

"I'm here," his husky voice brought a smile fully over me.

I turned my head toward the sound and I realized I was back in the room that Rick and I shared again. He was waiting in the doorway between rooms.

Catherine spoke concerned. "I just wasn't sure if you'd want to see him right away."

I looked over to him and started to sit up. "I do."

He wandered to the other side of the bed and sat next to me, pressing me back down. "Don't get up yet. Rest a little more."

"Okay." I allowed him, then remembered the reason I needed to rest, "that last man!"

William grabbed my free hand. "He's fine, but still in the cages. You healed his thoughts at least. He's cooperating, but he will need more help when you're ready."

I tried to sit up again, "I'm ready."

Both sets of hands from Catherine and William pushed me back. "Not yet sweetheart. Let's give it a day or two."

I twisted to Catherine. "Aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?"

She smiled and grabbed Blake's hand at her shoulder. "We've still got two hours before we need to leave. When you dashed away, I was scared. I didn't know what happened to you."

Blake caressed her. "I told her the story. Hope you don't mind."

I shook my head, no.

Her eyes went excited. "We're both mates! And you used to live here, that's so whack!"

I sighed low and soft, my hand curving around William's. "I didn't know until just a little while ago."

"So what happened to Rick? How did he learn you two were mates?"

My face flushed red and she giggled catching the color.

"That bad?"

"Uh," I stumbled, looking to William for help. "I, uh went for a late night ...rendezvous... with William and Rick caught me with bite marks at my neck?" That really happened right? I looked to him for confirmation.

William grinned and nodded.

I grimaced.

Catherine was awed. "Late night rendezvous! Scandalous. I thought you were ...." She then looked between our blushes and giggled. "Oh my gosh." Are you not a virgin anymore!?

"Catherine!" I yelled appalled. Then I wondered, Can we mind link too?

Yes! She grinned wide. Anyone who's a wolf or marked! You just have to think about them. ....Okay, sooo.... How was it!? She wiggled her eyebrows.

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