Chapter 19: Remembering

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C.E. + K.D.

And it was like my mind was trying to remember. There were flashes, like between dimensions again. A small spikey haired boy with a pocket knife. Cutting into the tree, the view beyond lower, less of the lake I could see now. Another flash. That same pocket knife cut into my tiny palm, pressed against a red line of another tiny palm.

Eric's deep voice at my ear, jerked me back to the current carved letters. "We did that when we were six Kara. We came here to escape washing dishes."

I held in a smile that tried to push on my lips.

Two children, holding hands and running into the woods, laughter erupting in the air. A rounded grey haired woman yelling from the packhouse door.

"Come on Kara," his adult pleading voice, surrounding me. "I know you can remember. What about this?" His arms unlocked from my center and a shuffle behind me. He then pressed my shoulders to twist me towards him.

My eyes and body jolted to see him without a shirt now. But my breathing slowed as I took his form in closer. The scars that I noticed on his arms and fingers glided all over crisscrossed around his chest and stomach.

A silent gasp left me with parted lips as I stared at his chest. My brow down in dismay. My hand came to his scars, tracing the word cut across his pecks.


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I was then thrust into a time period many years ago.

Three hulking men scary and cruel, towering over us, young Casey Eric pushing me away. "Run!" I did, but he didn't follow. I heard his pain. Needed to help. I ran back and saw them slicing his chest. Him begging them to stop and their laughter raining over the area. I threw a rock. It hit one. They looked back and saw me. Dropped him to the ground and I ran. They caught me not too far. The tallest grabbed me. I stabbed a branch into his eye. He dropped me and another picked me up angry. He called me mean names. He cut down my face, through my eyes and I screeched in pain!

My adult hands came to my face now and my fingernails lightly traced the patterns down over my eyes and cheeks.

Back in time again. He then threw me against a tree. My back hurt so bad! They then ran away. I knew I needed to get back to Casey! I crawled, feeling my way, but somehow knowing which way to move. When I reached the beach I could start to see blurry images. He was so bloody! My hands and head pressed against his chest. Slices and cuts everywhere. But the deepest, slices in his chest spelling ALPHA.

Back in the present, I stared unspeaking at the word scarred into his skin. My gulp brought my eyes to meet his. I asked child soft the name I knew him by, "Casey?"

A grin tore across his face. "Yes! Kara, yes!"

A mimicking smile flew to my face and then I was pressed in his arms in a deep embrace. My arms came around him, I felt like I was five.

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