Chapter 50: Small Mutated

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As Will placed a dried plate away in the cabinet over my head, he gave a swift stolen kiss to my cheek.

Giggling, I pulled away, and flicked dish water at him. "Do your job, Mister!"

He chuckled, nose scenting down my neck and arms caging my waist. "My job is to love you, so I think I'm doing just fine."

A shiver rose up my spine. "Will," I lovingly complained. "Just let me do the dishes."

He kissed just under my ear. "I love seeing you do the dishes."

I twisted my neck to see him, sponged hand stalling over the frying pan. "What's that supposed to mean?" He had made a lovely steak dinner, I figured I'd take the washing.

He stepped away and grabbed a cup to dry. "Not that you're my maid." He leaned back almost sitting on the counter as he toweled around the glass. "I just mean this house has only been me for so long. I didn't realize how empty it was. I love seeing you here. I'm happy I finally found my mate." He grabbed over my hand and squeezed. "It feels too good to be true."

I went back to scrubbing, my face trying to hide a smile. "Good answer," I admitted.

He put that glass away and grabbed another to dry. "Catherine and Blake get back tomorrow. Maybe you and her can go get that grey paint you wanted when she's finally ready to tear herself away from Blake. She probably would want to buy paint too."

"Really? That would be amazing."

"Maybe we can even start taping everything off tomorrow after council. Be all ready."

I rinsed the pan and then placed it in the drying rack and spun to reach my arms around his neck and held him tightly. "I'd love that. I'm so excited. I love the idea of painting my own house."

He held me tight, arms richly warm against my back. "I love you, Kara."

"Love you, William," I then leaned up and kissed him soft and slow, lips pillowy against mine.

But before I could deepen the kiss, or distract us from the rest of the dishes, a knock sounded at the door.

Will growled an expletive under his breath and strode to the front door. "I told everyone we were not to be disturbed."

Since we'd gotten home a few hours ago, Will had turned both our phones completely off and I figured that meant he was blocking any incoming links as well. I didn't think he could block them from me, so whoever it was at the door never tried to contact me. I went back to washing the last of the dishes.

He opened the door, probably ready to shout at the disturber, but reared in shock instead. "Jeremy? What do you want? I said we'd be back for tomorrow's council."

"I know and I'm sorry, but look, we have a problem."

"Get someone else to handle it tonight."

Jeremy exhaled loudly. "I can't. We need Kara."

Even from my peripheral I noticed Will bristle. "No. She needs to rest after her ordeal today. I will not have you begging for favors. Now leave."

Will began to shut the door, but Jeremy must have shot a hand or leg in the way. "I know she needs to rest, but we have a situation. Jack told Elaina that Max could be here, and she's going insane."

Will allowed the door open. "Who's Elaina?"

"Dan's mate. Listen." He stepped in the front room and Will stepped back out of his space. "Jack was stupid. He found Elaina and told her that Hightop had Max as a werecreature down in the basement. Obviously, she went bonkers thinking her lost kid was here. She came on a rampage and demanded to see him. Mrs. Whyte didn't know what she was talking about and asked her to leave. Elaina wolfed out and started tearing up the foyer. Mrs. Whyte called security and now Elaina is in Security's cells screaming to see her son. I told her we don't even really know if it's him or not, but she isn't hearing it."

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