Chapter 45: Stupid Pink Stone

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Used dishes were stacked on the cart waiting on the return of the kitchen attendant when Alpha David strode in with Jack, the other wolf that was coherent when Kara healed them in the cavern.

Eric stood and shook hands with David. "You made it. Thanks for coming on the short notice."

David looked very distinguished in his pressed pants, suit, and tie, quite different from the grunge look Jack was going for with spiked hair, ripped jeans, and a band tee. Like he was still seventeen even though he now had to be late twenties.

David gestured to Jack. "Hope you don't mind if I brought Jack along. He may be able to remember something that could aide our search."

Eric gave a slight head bow. "No problem at all. Have a seat. We're waiting on two more."

David and Jack were sitting down as another knock sounded. John swiveled in his seat and opened the door to the kitchen attendant dressed in white chef's gear, nervously asking for the cart. Walter and Denise were then stepping in behind the attendant who quickly grabbed up the cart and wheeled it out the door.

"Mr. and Mrs. Abbon," Eric greeted with a handshake and gestured to empty seats at the table. Walter had dark hair with thinning strands similar to Alpha David but was wearing classy jeans and a button-up shirt. Denise, still much thinner than she was three months ago, looked around the room skittish and held tight fingers into the seam of her sundress. "Why don't you two sit down and we'll get started." He was standing at the table head and looking over the faces, and then gave quick introductions of the newcomers.

He then sat down and scooted his chair forward against the table and gave an overview of what Jeremy said, and when Jack had nothing to add spoke to the rest of us. "Alright. So you have all been asked to be here because of the werecreatures in the cavern. We need to figure out the next steps of action. How do we get them out and what do we do with Lawrence?"

Jack was confused. "Why do we need to get them out? We just send the girl back down and she heals them."

Eric's hand was on my shoulder the moment I tensed to shout.

Eric spoke calmly. "Kara is a healer, yes. And she can heal them. But even you saw that she can't do very many before she gets herself knocked out. We can't just throw her to the wolves and hope that they won't attack her. There's too many and we can't just keep them down there in the muck. We need to bring them out so she can heal them at her own time."

David leaned forward against the table. "Tell us about your healer. Did she break her token? Why does she keep losing her strength?"

I realized that David probably knew the last healer, must have even been Alpha over her, and sat forward with my own curiosity. "What do you know about tokens? Kara hasn't been able to access hers yet."

He looked at me and smiled a fatherly smile. "She is your mate?"

I nodded.

"She is very special. Not many healers are ever born to one generation around the world. We had a line of healers in Fremont, but the line may have died out as only sons have been born the last three generations." He frowned, probably thinking about Dan's sacrifice for Max.

I wasn't sure how much I should reveal and looked at Eric. He gave the assent and I spoke. "We believe Kara is from the Fremont healing line. Her grandmother Ruth moved here as a mate to one of our former betas."

"Ah, Ruth. I see. That would have been Shelly's," he scratched over his chin in concentration, "cousin. So maybe the line is not dead. Well, in that case I am extremely jealous. It is a powerful line." He gave a smirk my way. "Hopefully you two bear a daughter that will be mated back into my pack."

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