Chapter 1: Deja Vu

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I stared up at the lodge with a fascinating feeling of déjà vu flooding my veins. It seemed so familiar, but the place was gorgeous, so maybe I had seen it in a magazine once or something. Middle of a superiorly green forest, six story mammoth wood and brick building. But beautiful beyond words. Shaped in a large X with fancy porch railings for every few windows and exquisite carved details around the others. The front lobby, covered in windows which I could see how it would let light in an ethereal feel every morning as the sun rose.

I could see it like I'd seen it before.

But I'd never been here before.

I'd lived in Seattle all my life.

I pressed a long strawberry blonde lock back against my ear that had caught in the breeze, and smelled the beautiful flowers that surrounded the area. But it was more than sweet flowers, I could sense the flowing river, the ever greens, and rich earth. It was like I had never scented anything in my life. The whole world was coming alive.

"Caroline? Darling?" Rick asked.

"Yes?" I turned to my fiancé. I grinned when I noticed the breeze was pressing up his slicked back hair.

He hurriedly and ran a hand through his hair to smooth it back down then reached for my hand. "Everyone is going back this way." He pointed down his long nose.

I followed the line of wedding guests to a giant tent in the center of a wide meadow near the lodge. I had been so intent looking at the large building, I hadn't even noticed I was walking to it instead of to the rehearsal dinner. "Sorry," I spoke and put my hand in his.

He started guiding us to the tent, right on the heels of Catherine's parents.

I smiled at Rick. He was still in his work suit that he always wore. Not even for a plane ride would he wear comfortable jeans and a tshirt. He always looked so handsome. Long dark hair slicked back, thin lips, just my height. I worked for him in one of the premier veterinary clinics in Seattle. I started working for him fresh out of vet school and since then his business has boomed. Within months we started dating and got engaged.

He has been a little insistent that we finally set the date, but I feel like if we do we'll take Catherine and Blake's thunder and they need the spotlight right now instead. We can set the date after this weekend.

I guess.

Catherine. I grinned and looked up to her already at the stage and pointing things around like some irate bridezilla. She looked gorgeous in her white sundress and the daisy flower crown on her head made her red hair flame brighter. She looked so beautiful and happy. It had been a whirlwind romance for her with Blake. They met only three months ago while me and her were out on hike. It had to be fate because she hates-hates hiking. And even more since it was barely March and snow patches still littered the shade. I'd always loved anything to do with the woods, seeing as Seattle has none, but that day there was an electricity on the air for me to get out. I'd been cooped up with winter far too long and had spring fever to get out. I googled day hikes near Seattle and chose one at random and we went. He was at the top as we looked out over the scenic view. It was love at first sight for both. They found out they both had so much in common and he ended up living only twenty minutes away from us.

Catherine and I have been friends since college and shared a place for eight years. She's my best friend and it's so good to see her with Blake after so many failed relationships. Though I didn't like how fast they were together. Rick and I have been engaged a year. I wish they would have slowed down and learned to love the other like Rick and I have. Then they'd know they weren't rushing into things.

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