Chapter 61: I did

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William was waiting outside council room two. My panicked self ran straight into his arms needing his comfort. He held me close for a full minute until I felt ready to step back.

"Is it really Rick?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded solemnly.

"He's a werewolf? How is he a werewolf? Did my dad turn him? Why would my dad turn him?" I glanced to the shut door before us. I knew they shouldn't be able to hear us, but it still set my nerves on fire.

He frowned. "He's a werewolf."

"Why are they here?"

Will pressed a hair strand out of my face. "They wouldn't say. Your dad just said that they wanted an audience with the beta couple."

"What do you think they want?"

He gave a muted growl. "My guess? They're trying to start their own pack and want you back."

"But I don't want to go back. I want to stay with you."

He pulled me tightly into his arms. "I know. It's good to hear you say it though. Maybe they want to try to convince both of us. Your dad must know that we've done the absolute submission ceremony. There would be no way to separate us."

After another minute he straightened up tall, becoming his beta personality. "Let's go see what they want."

I sighed, speaking smally, "okay."

He opened the door and guided me in.

The room was painted the same shade of greyish blue the other council room was, but only half the size. It still had a clock, a whiteboard, and the opposite wall as bench, just a miniaturized version.

My eyes landed on the two men sitting at the table. My father, who I hadn't spoken to since Seattle, looked hardened, stiff muscles and sitting tall. He was nearly towering over Rick, who I never wanted to see again.

Rick's eyes dropped to the table and he bent his head in full submission when my eyes struck on him. He looked haggard. I'd never seen him so undone. Hair unkempt, dirty white collared shirt and a button broken off at his neck. The aura coming from him was complete uncertainty and fear, nothing like the man who stepped to my back to shoot me only a few weeks ago.

Dad's eyes were set on me. "Baby," he greeted as if he was unsure if he should speak.

I sighed and sat at the table across from him. "Hi daddy."

"It's good to see you." He spoke so formal.

"Good to see you too."

William sat beside me and grabbed my hand in his.

Dad continued. "I know we didn't end on very good terms last visit."

I shook my head.

"And I wanted to talk to you about that."


He leaned forward and bent his head slightly. "Honey. I've been thinking about it, and I'm awfully sorry about what I did. I should never have taken you away from your home and I shouldn't have tried to hide what you were. And I never should have made you forget the memories of your time here. I'm so sorry I took your memories of your family. It was a horrible mistake that I wish I could go back and change now."

I started to say 'it's okay,' but William interrupted.

"I disagree." Will scooted against the table, eyes on my dad.

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