Chapter 22: Healing

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The gold of her eyes suddenly flooded her irises. It was beautiful seeing it so clearly. My wolf howled inside me, feeling her so close, like she was a wolf and breaking into me too. I couldn't look away from the splendor of those eyes, shining a beacon to my soul.

And I knew as she stood tall and accepted her position as Beta Female, healer of the pack, the same trance that she was in before, was taking her now.

She stepped around me and Ryan purposefully, and passed three more cells. She stood tall in front of a creature that was filling the entire door of the cell, a full foot taller than her and bloodied from nose to fingers. It was attacking the cage door with so much force that I was worried the bars would loosen right there and take my mate. I had to hold back the fear that gripped me about losing her already. What had I done, leading her down here already? I couldn't let her take on these creatures after all. The snarling beast had eyes trained down at her, black claws pressing through the beams toward her. Its fight ready and willing.

"Open it," she commanded, checking down to the lock.

Her words were not a strong enough command to force me, but I slowly stepped up to her, staring nervous to the towering thing. I looked back to the small werecreature, huddled in the corner cell. "Caroline, sweetheart? Are you sure this one? You could start with that one we talked about first." Wouldn't it be better to begin with?

"No." She stated simply, then looked back to the beady eyes meeting hers. "That is a child. We need this one."

"A child?" I gasped in surprise.  Werewolves were never children.  How could a child become a monster?  I stared back at the small being until Caroline scolded.


My eyes trailed up the fearsome creature. "Why this one?" I asked gently. I couldn't let her get hurt already.

"This is the former Gamma."

My eyes widened taking in the beast, speeding over its features. There was nothing that made me tell who it was. "Walter? This is Gamma Walter!? We thought he ran away with his mate. He changed into one of them?"

She pointed straight faced to the row of cells at the other wall. "The former Gamma Female is there."

I turned to follow her point at a nondescript werecreature. That's Denise? Then I stared at Kara in shock. "You can tell who these creatures are?"

She turned around the room. "One omega and two other warriors from this pack. Four from the Eastern pack. Eight, including the child, from the Southern. Two from packs in other regions." Then she turned and pointed to the far corner. "Her pack is from overseas."

"Wow," Ryan spoke in a hush, from behind us.

She twisted back to the largest wolf creature, claws still beating against the bars. "Now open. I can go inside with him. You can close it after me."

I again stared up nervously at the hulking thing. "Are you sure? Sweetheart?"

"Open it," she commanded.

I sighed and grabbed the keys from the smallest werecreature's cell and took them to her. "Be careful," I fretted, but I told her I'd trust her and I needed to make good on that.

She gave a smirking smile. "Mate William. No need to be afraid." She then leaned up and kissed me slow and soft.

My body gave a wonderful jolt at her touch and I smiled to her, suddenly less nervous and let the key twist in the lock.

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