Chapter 60: All Three

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After breakfast we called Catherine and Blake and told them the good news. The pack walls were smell and soundproofed for werewolf noses and ears, but I swore I could hear her yelp of joy from clear into the next wing.

The next thing I know, she's breaking down the door with Blake on her tail.

When I opened the door, not a second later she was wrapped around me and ugly crying. William smirked to me and let Blake in. Blake gave him a good handshake. "Congratulations man."

Will gave a single nod. "You too."

Catherine's tear-streaked face leaned out to mine, sniffles starting. "So when are you due?"

I lead her over to the couch and handed her a tissue box. William came and sat beside me over the arm rest. He put his hand on my shoulder and I covered it with mine. "Not sure. We only realized today. I haven't put the date in a calculator yet."

She dashed her phone out of her pocket. "Tell me the date of your last period! I'll figure it out for you!"

Blake chuckled and sat in our easy chair. "Don't worry about it, babe. I can tell you two exactly when you'll have the babies."

We both turned. "What? Why?"

He made a groan of an exhale and looked at William with an anxious expression. "There's a total lunar eclipse March eleventh next year."

Will's eyes went wide. "Oh, dang. A blood moon. Seems our luck."

Blake nodded. "And Andrea didn't shift at the last full moon either."

Will rubbed over his forehead. "Shiiit. All three?"

I looked up at Will, "what's so bad about that?"

He chuckled. "With all the havoc you and Eric caused growing up, we might be getting paid back for that. Sounds like an alpha, beta, and now high tech will all be born in the same month. And if Blake's prediction is correct, you'll all likely give birth on the blood moon. Meaning trouble's a 'comin."

"What?" My head started to panic. "What's coming?"

He scratched over my back calmingly. "Don't sweat it love. It's just superstition. Those born under a blood moon will be tricksters of the highest sort. Just means we're in for a fun eighteen years with another little Kara to raise. And add another Eric and another Catherine, this pack is doomed."

I giggled. "Will there even be a pack by then? I give it ten years tops."

He chuckled. "You might be right about that. I'll get rid of all the teddy bears and drapes right now."

"You better."

Blake laughed and then spoke up. "Alright girls, well you two spend some time gossiping up all the things the pack will have to babyproof for our blood babies, we need to get to work."

William checked his phone. "Yeah, we need to go, Eric will be waiting to finalize the patrol routes."

"Alright," I nodded and leaned up for a quick kiss. "See you. Love you."

"Love you," he kissed again and then grabbed his things next to the door.

Before he headed out on Blake's tail, he turned and threatened, "you two are banned to Loa or closer. Hear me? I'll come after you. Don't think I won't. I've got my own pregnant mate to worry about." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "You already know I'm driving ten feet passed Loa now."

He chuckled. "You do make life more interesting Kara."

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